Fever Pt 46

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Megan POV

"Karim, stop that."I said in a low voice, swatting at his hand. He had just finished touching on stuff in the hospital room and now he was trying to put his fingers in his mouth.

"What I said?"I eyed him as he laughed and tried to do it again. Kennedy was too busy watching Mickey Mouse on the television(as seen in M/M). I kept swatting at Karim's hand trying to get him to stop but he thought it was a game and laughed every time.

"Boy come here."I said in a stern voice but gently grabbed his hand so I could clean them with Lysol wipes. "There. Now put them in your mouth all you want."I let him go and sat down in my chair.

"Uhn uhnn,"I muttered to myself as I leaned forward, catching Kennedy's head as she dozed off while it fell forward. "Wake up baby."I whispered, intertwining my fingers into her small hand.

I read online that when your baby is getting closer to three months of age, to start teaching them a nightly routine. So I had to keep her awake. I mean, of course I let them take naps. But once the clocks go past seven thirty, I keep them up until i think it's time to go to bed. I don't know, I'm a new mom and I want to get this mommy thing right, I'm trying my best. Karim was following along with the nightly routine well but I was having a little trouble getting Kennedy on board.

It's a little hard trying to teach both of them at the same time, especially since Nicki wasn't around when I first started doing this a few days ago. But now that she and I are back together, I'm more than happy to continue sharing these special moments with her. I know she loves bonding with the twins.

However, I am sad that she's not here right now witnessing this. Since nine this morning, Nicki has been in surgery and it is now 7:15. I mean, I know brain surgery is very serious and complicated and the doctors have to take their time and do everything right but I'm missing her. And I'm just hoping she comes out of there fine. I took a deep breath and continued trying to keep Kennedy awake. Seconds later, she erupted into tears. I instantly reached over to pick her up and hold her close. Okay, maybe listening to the internet wasn't a good idea, I thought to myself, feeling horrible. "Okay, shh baby. Mommy's here. You hungry?"I asked, as if she knew what I was saying. I pulled one of her bottles from the baby bag and fixed her some milk. "Here baby."I said, slowly putting it into her mouth.

She didn't stop crying to eat. "What's wrong? What did I do?"I asked, more to myself than to anyone else. Karim stopped sucking on his fingers and eyed his sister intently, probably wondering why she was interrupting his quiet time.

"Ah,"He said. My eyes widened, that's the first time Karim has ever spoken.

"Ah,"I repeated after him, excitedly.

"Ah ah."He stared at Kennedy, smiling. Hearing him say it again made Kennedy quiet down. "Aah."She giggled.

"Oh, I see. You two are playing a trick on mommy."I laughed.

"Surgery went amazingly."Dr.Montgomery smiled, wheeling Nicki into the room. She was wide awake.

"I thought the patient was supposed to be knocked out for a while after the surgery."I stood up.

"Sometimes. But Nicki woke up hours ago. We had to make sure everything was okay and working properly after her biopsy. It is very serious and not to be taken lightly. She was a good sport though, I am sorry for the long wait."He rambled.

"I'll be back with the apple juice and bread you requested."He told Nicki before leaving the room.

I planted a kiss on Nicki's forehead. "Are you okay?"I asked, wanting to know all about her view on the surgery.

"I'm fine. Just hungry. Let me see those babies, I've missed them."She reached her hands out, wanting to take them from me.

I carefully handed her Kennedy then picked up Karim, handing him over as well. "They said their first word."I smiled.

She furrowed her eyebrows. "What? They can't talk at two months."

"No. They said 'ah'."

"Aww, I missed it."

"It's okay. I'm sure they'll say it again soon."I assured her.

She smiled, looking down at them. "I've missed their beautiful faces." Her comment made my heart flutter. Nicki is such a sweet person, I just hope that we can get through this whole brain disease situation together.

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