Fever Pt 42

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Megan POV

"Hey,"I typed into the text box, formatting a letter to Jabrie. I so desperately wanted to curse her out for what she did to Karim but I held my composure in order to get her over here so that I could confront her in person. "I was wondering if you were free today so that we could catch up."I sent it. I then sent my address and waited for her to show up.

At the snap of a finger, Jabrie was pulling up in the driveway. It's like she was already in the neighborhood, probably watching us. But that's about to end today. I opened the door and engulfed her in a hug so she wouldn't suspect anything.

"Wow, you living good from those rap checks."She laughed. "I know. Would you like something to eat?"I asked, playing along. "Nah, I just ate."She refused.

"Let's talk."I smiled, sitting down on the couch causing her to sit down as well.

Once we were caught up on everything, I decided to ask her about the whole hospital thing in hopes that the deputies would show up quickly. I don't want this chick in my house after what she did but I had to complete this task for the cops.

"So you work at the hospital, right?"I asked, eating a piece of popcorn.

"What?"She scrunched up bed face but quickly fixed her facial expression. "Oh yeah."She said, "I've been working there for about a month or so."

I tilted my head to the side. "That's funny because when I asked around, the staff said nobody by your name worked there. Or has ever worked there."I tripped her up in her own lie.

"Oh I don't really have friends there. I just do my job on a twelve hour shift and then go."She lied again.

"Oh really?"I said, not believing a word that came out of her mouth.

"Yeah."She nodded.

I noticed a cop car pull up and mentally let out a breath of relief. I kept talking to her, having a casual conversation but Jabrie turned to the window and noticed the many cop cars surrounding the driveway.

"You bitch!"She screamed, jumping up.

I rose to my feet as well, towering over her with my arms folded.

"You're having me arrested!"She yelled.

"You know what you did!"I hollered back at her. Ain't nobody going to yell at me in my own home and get away with it. She tried to push me out of the way and make a run for it but I didn't budge. Nicki let the cops in and they went straight to Jabrie.

She ran all over the house trying to get away but they got to her before she could go out the back door. She kicked and screamed resulting in them having to push her down to the floor. Forcing her hands behind her back, they placed her in handcuffs. "You're under arrest for impersonation of a hospital official and the endangerment of a minor."The head of the team of police said to her then proceeded to read her her rights as they walked her out to the cop car. The deputy turned to me and smiled. "Thank you for aiding in the arrest of Jabrie Nelson, she has been wanted by the state for a long time now."He shook my hand and then left. I shut and locked the front door, letting out a deep breath.

"I'm so glad that that's over."The three of us said in unison.

The next day

I had been crying all night, stressing over what happened yesterday. Realizing that I couldn't stay in bed all day, I decided to get up and start getting ready for the day.

I went into the bathroom in the hall to clean my face up from the tears. Once I looked better and not so tear stained, I went down the stairs until I heard Nicki and Dream talking in the kitchen prompting me to stop in my tracks.

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