Fever Pt 39

978 53 5

Unknown POV

I gripped the car door, jiggling it to see if it would open. I rolled my eyes, knowing she wasn't dumb enough to leave her car doors unlocked.

I waltzed back over to my car, made sure no one was watching then grabbed the hammer. I crept back over to the Mercedes Benz truck and hit the passenger side window with the hammer. The car noise went off making my heart skip a beat, I rushed to hit the button to stop the car from beeping. I looked to the backseat to see both Kennedy and Karim in their car seats.

Karim watched me intently while Kennedy opened her mouth and began to wail as loud as possible. I unlocked the back door and opened it, pulling the needle from my back pocket.

"Shut the fuck up!"I whisper-screamed, smacking the daylight out of Kennedy's face but that only made her scream and cry louder. "Shit."I uttered, shoving the needle into Karim's neck. Once every ounce of the drug was out of the needle, I snatched it from his neck, swiping away at the blood that had come out.

"You're next."I told Kennedy, thumping her in the forehead as hard as I could. I shut the door and quickly went back over to my own car. I got in, put my seatbelt on and pulled my shades down over my eyes so I wouldn't be noticed.

I picked up my phone off the passenger seat and dialed Carissa's phone number.

"It's done."I smiled devilishly into the phone as if she could see me.

"Great."She replied. I could tell she was happy. "When can I get the money?"I asked her.

"Hold up sweetheart, you aren't done."Carissa stopped me.

"Well, what's next?"I inquired.

"I need you to call the police and report it. Then text A and tell her you completed the mission. She'll cash-app you the money and then forward you the follow up plan. You did good. You're not so useless after all."She chuckled before hanging up the phone.

I rolled my eyes and called the police from a blocked number, letting them know that there was an emergency at the dollar general. After that, I got my money from A. I pulled the gear from park to drive. I had to get out of here; I can't afford to get caught up when the police get here.

I drove as fast as I could to get away from there, going home. Letting out a breath, i was thankful that this whole Nicki and Megan situation was over— or so I thought...

Nicki POV

"Megan please, talk to me."I whispered as we sat in the waiting room of the hospital.

"I don't want to hear it right now O'nika!"She put her hand up, forcing me to close my mouth.

"Please,"I pleaded.

"Shut up. And don't open your mouth again."Her eyes widened, giving me a death stare. "Let's just make sure the kids are okay and I'll deal with you later."She got up and walked towards the nurse, prompting me to follow.

"Like expected, Kennedy is completely fine. She's just suffering from shock really. She should be fine in a couple days. However, Karim is a different story."He took a deep breath. "We found multiple traces of NyQuil in his bloodstream which is why he's been knocked out for so long. The amount exceeds well over the exemplar amount for toddlers over four years old. Notice I said four, infants are not supposed to take this medication which makes it even harder to distinguish how this will effect him when he wakes up."He explained. "Did either of you put NyQuil in his baby bottle while he fed?"He looked back and forth between Megan and I.

"No. We're new moms but that never crossed our mind. They never have trouble sleeping."Megan told him.

"And in our defense, we wouldn't have given just one of the babies NyQuil, do it to one do it to the other."I added.

"Well you two are going to have to do some serious thinking on who was around Karim and the belongings they carry around the twins. Until you figure that out, we can not discharge neither Kennedy or Karim to either of you."He pursed his lips together.

"What?"I asked, shocked. "We did nothing wrong."

"Sorry, it's hospital protocol."

"Can we see them?"Megan asked.

"Yes, you can see them for however long you like but they can not go home with you. You must find out whose been around them within the next two days or the hospital will be forced to turn them over to authorities."

To be continued...

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