Fever Pt 19

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Megan POV

Nicki carried Reese to the car and laid him out on the backseat. I watched her shut the door and get in the passenger seat of the car. "You okay?"I asked her as I reversed out of the driveway of the house.

"I don't know. I'm not in the mood to talk, I'm sorry."She laid her head against the headrest and stared out of the window.

"No it's okay, I understand."I shook my head. I didn't bother reaching out to turn the radio on; silence echoed throughout the car with an occasional whimper from the backseat. I eyed Reese whom was still sprawled out, his eyes closed tightly. I sighed to myself and put up to the vet's office where tons of other cars sat in the parkway. This time, I carried Reese in while Nicki went to the receptionist desk.

I found a seat isolated from the other patients and sat in it, cradling Reese up to my chest. His head lay nuzzled in my chest. "What did they say?"I asked Nicki when she returned from the front desk.

"It'll be another half hour before the doctor can see him."She plopped down. I bit my lip and stole a glance from the digital clock, which rested under the flat screen television that hung on the wall.

My leg bounced as the two of us waited for the doctor call Reese to the back. A whimper escaped through his black lips. "I know baby."I whispered, rubbing his head softly. "You're gonna be fine."I assured him.

What was supposed to be only a half an hour turned into two hours which then turned into three until we were called to the back.

"Sorry about the delay, Ms.Maraj and ..."He trailed off, looking toward me.

"Ms.Pete."I filled in the blank for him. "Ms.Pete,"He repeated, looking back down at the keyboard. "As you can see we have a full house today and not enough staff at the moment, the reason for the delay."He began.

"It's fine."I lied, wanting him to just get to the point. Nicki stood quietly, toying with her hands as she fidgeted around. I tapped her leg, which made her finally sit her nervous ass down. I can't lie, I was a bit out of it too but I had to keep it together for the time being.

"So just lay him down and I'll examine him while one of you..."He looked back and forth between Nicki and I then focused on on me. "You, tell me what problem seems to be. By doing this, it helps me to better evaluate the patient." He pulled a pair of white latex gloves onto his hands.

No shit, Sherlock.

"Naively left him in the care of an employee while we went to run errands."I confessed, not wanting to get deep into it.

"Can you tell me exactly what happened?"Doctor Monche pressed, wanting the exact opposite of me: to get into the nitty gritty of things.

He bit down on his blue ink pen, waiting.

"Found him like that when we came home yesterday. The employee had a gash on her arm, saying that he bit her but I refuse to believe it."

"Well, gashes don't just come out of nowhere."He cocked his head to the side.

"My Reese would never!"Nicki blurted.

"Owners, much like parents, are often in denial when told that their pet has been mischievous."He replied. "Has he ever attacked anyone else?"

"Attacked? Reese doesn't attack people! He's the sweetest puppy ever and well behaved for his age."Nicki defended. I placed my hand on her thigh trying to calm her down before we were thrown out without the answers we needed from the doctor.

"Okay. Well has he ever bitten anyone or showed any signs of aggression?"Doctor Monche went on.

"What are you, stupid?"Nicki yelled. "I just told you—,"

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