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Star, Noah and the group had a live interview with with Gossip News again and she had wore a long sleeve yellow t-shirt like dress to cover up the bump and some black heels .  Star was now 7 weeks pregnant. When she got out her car she was again greeted by paparazzi.

Paparazzi:Star are you pregnant?

She then ignored the question and went to the room where the interview was. The interviewer asked Alex and Simone Noah their questions then Star.

Interviewer:So Star how have you been?
Star:I've been good you know me and my group just released some songs.
Interviewer:Okay good, let's cut to the chase is it true you are pregnant?
Star:Yes it is true. I am expecting.
Interviewer:Okay but who is the father?
Star:Um excuse me?
Simone:Star calm down.
Star:No Simone I won't, What do you mean who's the father? The father is sitting right next to me.
Interviewer:Well fans have been speculating that it's hunter's
Noah:Star you ain't gotta answer that question.
Star:No Noah I'm going to. Me and Hunter were not together for 6 months then I met Noah. And I have not seen Hunter since the night that I was brutally attacked by him. Me and Noah have been dating for 3 months now so you and those so called fans can do the math. I'm 7 weeks pregnant right now and since those so called fans are asking who my baby's father is they can go in the kitchen right now and ask their mama who there real daddy is.

Star then walked out the room the interview was being held in and Noah chased after her. somebody was walking in front of her and she pushed the person out her way. She was angry and Noah could see her face was turning red.

Noah:Star you need to calm down.
Star:She really just asked me that question on the spot who else would the father be huh?

Noah then started laughing at Star.

Star:What's so funny?
Noah:The fact that you're mad about a simple question.
Star:Well since that question is so funny then I guess you're going to be sleeping in that apartment alone tonight.
Noah:Star you can't take a joke?

Star then left Gravity Media and went to Carlotta's. When she walked in Carlotta saw how mad she was.

Carlotta: What's wrong with you now Star?
Star:Noah was laughing at me.
Carlotta:About What?
Star:Because of the interview.
Carlotta:Whew Chile I can not wait till your pregnancy is over.

Alex and Simone then walked in the room.

Alex:What's Star mad about now?
Star:Noah was laughing at me because I was mad about the interview.
Alex:You have to admit it was a little bit funny.
Star:No it wasn't she questioned the father of my child.
Alex:Yea but your response had me and Simone in laughter.
Simone:Yea I don't think I'm going to like the pregnant version of Star.
Alex:Me either her hormones are definitely messed up at the moment.
Star:Can you not talk about me like I'm not here.

They then went to the studio where they recorded the song for sure.

Star:I think we should put out a music video to it.
Alex:I agree but when?
Simone:How about Thursday.
Star:Yea that's good because I probably find out the gender of my baby
Alex:Wait aren't you doing a gender reveal?
Star:Yea me and Noah discussed it and we asked the doctor to write down the gender on a piece of paper and give it to Carlotta.
Alex:Well when is the gender reveal?

Star then got a text from Noah saying to come to his place.

Noah:Star I'm sorry

Noah then pulled Star by her waist and pulled her in for kiss and of course y'all know what happened next.

Okay y'all I'm sorry this chapter was short and boring but y'all might find out the gender of the baby in the next chapter but do you think Star is having a boy or a girl?🤔And thank you for all the support🤩

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