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It was 2 days before Star and Noah's wedding and today was Star's bachelorette. She woke up from a text from Alex saying to pack her bag because she was spending the night since the bride and groom can't see each-other it was 9:45 am  Star then got up and got dressed and wore a red strapless way off the knee tight dress that hugged her body and of course Noah wasn't there so Star had to get Sarina she bathed,fed, and put Sarina in a pink onesie with hearts on it and put Sarina in the baby carrier and got her bag and left. Star asked M's Ruby if she can watch Sarina the other day so she didn't have to worry about calling her. Star then got to M's Ruby's and knocked on her door and M's Ruby answered.

M's Ruby:You excited for your wedding?
Star:Yea but I really can't wait for the bachelorette
M's Ruby:Girl you know when I had my wedding I did what you young ones call fuck it up

Star then laughed.

Star:Alex is gonna pick her up tomorrow
M's Ruby:Okay and thanks for the invite
Star:Your welcome

Star then gave Sarina to M's Ruby and left. Surprisingly the week went by fast. Star then drove to Gravity Media and when she got there she saw how Alex and Simone were waiting for her.

Alex: I see how you got your hoe wear on
Star:Oh this is nothing compared to what I'm wearing tonight
Simone: I can't believe your finally getting married
Star: I can't believe it either
Alex:We got a meeting with Maurice
Simone:Well let's go

They then went upstairs to the meeting room and when they got there they saw Joyce Sheree,Noah,Angel,Andy, and Carlotta. Star then went and sat by Alex.

Star:What's this bitch doing here?
Star:No I'm serious Maurice you know me and take3
got beef with this bitch
Joyce:I'm telling you again fall back bitch
Star:Bitch do you not remember the last time you were popping your mouth about me,my group and my daughter I dragged your ass
Joyce:So you wanna fight or what?
Star: I mean I got all the time in the world so what's up
Joyce:Bitch I'll drag you and that alien baby

Star then started laughing.

Star:Damn you should be a comedian because when I dragged your ass you had so many opportunities to get one good hit and I was really going easy on your ass. Now lemme make something clear to you bitch talk about me or my kids one more time and see where you end up bitch and I'm making a promise on that. Cause that slick talking you doing is nothing compared to what I'll do to your ass and trust me it will be 50 times worse than that ass whooping I gave you before.
Maurice:Can y'all act like adults for one time without trying to drag each other
Alex: I mean we would if Crackhead would stop running her mouth about my group
Star:Exactly, why are we even here
Maurice:Take3 will be doing a waterfalls remix dedicated to TLC for a early Christmas gift
Simone:Wait the TLC
Star:Why couldn't we just do creep or scrubs?
Maurice:Because they wanted Take3 to do the song and dedicate it to Left Eye
Star:But she died in April and was born in May
Maurice:Yea but they want it to be a Christmas gift
Star:You know what I'm not even gonna question it
Noah:Okay so why am I here?
Maurice:You and Joyce will be doing another song together

Star then rolled her eyes and her phone then ringed.

Star: Can I go into the hallway and answer this phone call?
Maurice:Whatever is so important will be discussed in here
Star:Maurice this call is important
Maurice:Then answer it in here
Star:Okay Whatever

Star then rolled her eyes and answered the call

Star:Hey how are you holding up
Sniggy:Terrible you still holding it down?
Star:Yea and I'm sorry I didn't call yesterday I was busy
Sniggy:Girl you Okay but are you good you sound irritated
Star:Thats because I am I'm being tried by somebody who me and my group got beef with
Sniggy:Oh she must not know how Pittsburgh girls are
Star:Exactly I already dragged her ass once she begging for another beating
Sniggy:Anyways how's my niece?
Star:She's good but that attitude though
Sniggy:Guess What though?
Sniggy:Remember Lavae?
Star:Yea of course I do
Sniggy:Word going around that the bitch set you up
Star:Wait what what do you mean set me up
Sniggy:She was going around bragging about how she saw how you were on your knees begging for your life
Star:No that can't be true I know Lavae
Sniggy:Think about it you were always better at step and got more opportunities then she did
Star:Thats Alright Because when I see her ass she better have some security guards cause I'm gonna drag that ass
Sniggy:Right But I gotta go
Star:Okay I'll call you tomorrow

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