Stop being reckless

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December finally came around and Stars baby wasn't due till January,20, she was now 8 months pregnant and that didn't make things better from her feet being sore to the terrible migraines,to the back pain to the horrible to way she looked that made her feel insecure but she wasn't gonna let nobody know that. Star then woke up from a call from Alex. It was 1:00am.

Alex:Turn on the news
Star:Wait what do you mean?why?
Alex:Star just turn on the news

Star then hanged up the phone She then got the remote and changed the channel to turn on the news. Star was shocked at what she saw it said that Simone got into a car accident. Star then woke up Noah.

Noah:Stunt What time is it
Star:We gotta go to the hospital
Noah:Wait what why?
Star:Simone got into a car accident
Noah:Okay lemme get Sarina

Star then went to the closet and threw on a pink black hoodie and sweats set. Noah then rushed in and threw on a shirt and sweats and Star went to Sarinas room and took her out her crib and placed her in the baby carrier. Noah then got Sarina and Star grabbed her phone and her purse and they then rushed to the hospital. When they got there Star then pulled out the stroller from the car and Noah got Sarina and placed her in the stroller. Star and him then rushed into the hospital and Star then went up the the counter where the nurse was and Noah followed

Star:I'm looking for Simone Davis
Nurse:And who are you
Star:Her sister

The nurse then pulled up Simone on the computer.

Nurse: I'm Sorry she's still in surgery
Star:Surgery for what
Nurse: I'm sorry we can't tell you that information
Star:I'm worried about my sister now tell me exactly what she's in surgery for
Nurse:We're not allowed to-
Star: I don't give a damn tell me
Nurse:Ma'am if you don't change your attitude I will have security escort you out
Noah:Stunt chill out
Nurse:I advise you to listen to your spouse you can go sit in the waiting room with the rest of the people who are patiently waiting

Noah then talked Star in to going to sit in the waiting room. Noah then went to sit in the waiting room with Angel,Derek,Alex,Carlotta, and Cotton they were really the only people who were in the waiting room. Star was steady pacing back and forth with thoughts running through her mind.

Alex:They didn't tell y'all anything either huh?
Star:Angel what happened?
Angel:Look your not gonna keep finding ways to try and blame me for your sisters situations
Star:I never said I was just tell me what happened
Angel:Me and her got into an argument so she just left and took the car
Alex:Angel what was the argument even about
Angel: I saw her drinking Hennessy and she was almost done drinking the whole bottle but I snatched it away from her
Angel: I knew she was not supposed to drink
Noah:So she just left
Angel:Yea and we got into a whole argument about it before she did
Derek:So she was drunk driving
Alex:How did she even get the bottle
Angel: I don't know

2 hours had passed and so many thoughts were running through Star's head she kept wondering was her sister Okay or not Star was still pacing which was making Alex nervous.

Alex:Pacing back and fourth isn't gonna make things any better
Star:Leave me alone Alex
Alex:Can you sit down your making me nervous
Star:Well this is the only thing keeping me distracted other than thinking about Simone being on a operating table
Alex:Your not the only one worried right now you know that right
Star:Alex I'm not here to argue I'm here for my sister
Alex:Yea and I'm here for her to as her friend
Star:Okay Whatever Alex you want a cookie for saying that
Alex:Can you not act like a diva for once? Look around Star your not the only one worried we care for her just as much as you do
Star:I'm not acting like a diva

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