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Star was in a white room and a little girl with blonde hair ran up to her and hugged her legs.

Star: I don't know how to say this, but sweetheart I'm not your mother.
Melanie:Yes you are, remember I was in your tummy but then I went to heaven. Daddy said my name was Lia.

Star had a shocked look on her face, Tears fell down Star's face. Star remembered her miscarriage.

Lia:Mommy why are you crying?

Star kneeled down to Melanie and gave her a tight hug and Lia hugged her tight as well. Star then pulled away from the hug.

Lia:Mommy why are you crying?
Star:Mommy missed you.
Lia:I missed you too, how come you not with daddy?
your daddy did bad things to hurt Mommy.
Lia:Would he ever hurt me?
Star:No love bug, he loved you too much.
Lia:Mommy I didn't wanna go, I wanted to stay with you and daddy

More tears ran down Star's face.

Star: I know love bug, I didn't want you to go either.
Lia:Mommy how come you with that man?
Star:He treats mommy nice and he loves mommy.
Lia:Who the other kids?
Star:What other kids?
Lia:The ones you always with?
Star:That's your brother and sister.
Lia:Oh; I always wanted brother and sister, what  they name?
Star:Sarina and Davis.
Lia:They got my last name?
Star:Yea baby girl they do.

Lia had tears fall down her face and Star saw.

Star:What's wrong?
Lia: Mommy I don't wanna go, I wanna stay with you.

More tears fell down Star's face and Lia hugged Star tight.

Star: I don't want you to go either.
Lia:I don't wanna leave, I don't wanna leave you mommy. Stay with me mommy,don't leave me by myself.

More tears ran down Star's face.

Star:Love bug, I wish I could but I can't. I love you okay, mommy loves you so much. I'm never gonna stop loving you I promise.
Lia:Pinky promise?

Star then pulled away from the hug and held out her pinky finger. Lia then held her's out and pinky promised her mother. Star then kissed Lia on her cheek and Lia quickly hugged her mother before running off.

Star woke up from her dream and realized her face was wet from crying. Star heard the tv on from downstairs meaning Noah was watching tv. Star then got up from the bed wrapped in the sheet and walked to the bathroom with a limp. Star then turned on the shower and felt the hot water hit her body as she freshened up. She kept thinking about the dream she had, it felt so real and all she could think about was her daughter begging for her to stay. Star then got out the shower and went and got a towel and wrapped it around her and dried off. She looked at herself in the mirror and kept thinking about what Lia said "Stay with me mommy, don't leave me by myself".

Star was waiting in the bathroom for the results for the pregnancy test she had just took. Star then walked over to the test which was on the counter and saw two blue lines. Star didn't know what to do, her and Jackson had just gotten into an argument and Star didn't even know how to approach Jackson about the news. Star then walked out the bathroom and to the living room of Jackson's apartment where he was.

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