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Star was 9 months pregnant and had to go meet Alex and Simone at the studio.

Star:I got an idea for the song?
Alex:Wow that was quick what is it?
Simone:Let's get in the studio
Alex:Wait we should do a video
Simone:I was thinking the same thing.
Star:But let's do the video today.

After they were done Star they called Jahil and planned out the video before working on it they then rehearsed the choreography which took an hour and finished the video at 5:00 pm before releasing it.

Star then got a text from Noah saying to come to the studio.

Noah:I want us to make a song together.
Star:Then let's do it

They then released a video of them singing the song

When they were done Star had a performance with take 3 but Alex said she couldn't make it so Noah decided to take her place. The performance was at 8:00

After the performance Star started feeling her contractions then her water broke.

Star:Oh my gosh!

Simone and Noah looked at Star as she held her stomach and they looked down to see a pool of water. Noah then grabbed Star's hand and they started rushing out the building and into the car where Simone followed. Simone was calling Carlotta, Alex,Derek,Angel,Jahil,Ms.Bruce, and Mrs. Bruce. Noah drove as fast as could to the hospital and when he got in he found the nearest doctor telling him that Star was in labor the doctor got a wheel chair and Star got in and they wheeled her to the delivery room Noah and Simone quickly followed. A few minutes later everybody arrived. The doctor then told Star and Noah that it was going to be a long wait so everybody was allowed to be in the delivery room for now.

Carlotta:Star how you feeling?
Simone:Ms.C you really just ask her that?
Carlotta:Simone shut up.
Star:Not good these contractions are killing me.
Alex:It doesn't look like it.

The doctor then came in the room.

Doctor:Ms Davis I came to inform you that you cannot eat or drink.
Star:Wait what?
Doctor:The reason being is because it will leave you with complications.

Angel then came into the room with a cheese burger and fries.

Derek:Angel are you serious?
Angel:What man I was hungry.
Noah :Yea but Star can't eat.
Angel:What does that have to do with me?

Ms.Bruce then went up To Angel and snatched the food from Angel and threw it away.

Angel:I was eating that.
Ms.Bruce:If she can't eat then none of us can.
Derek:Wait what?
Angel:That's messed up.
Star:No what's messed up is you bringing a cheeseburger in the room when I can't eat.
Carlotta:Exactly,boy done lost his mind.

Stars contractions got more worse by the minute. And she was not in the mood. she was still waiting for the baby. It had already been 8 hours.

Star:Don't they got a button in here?
Star:Where is it?
Noah :Stunt you not clicking the button Just so you can get a epidural remember what you told me the other day about how you wanted the labor to be natural?
Star:Noah I don't give a damn about what I said the other day my back hurts and these contractions are strong.

Before Noah could say anything the doctor came in.

Doctor:Ms Davis do you want the epidural?

The doctor pulled out a long needle that was connected to a tube and at this point star really didn't care she just needed the epidural. Noah then held Star's hand as they put the epidural through her back.

Simone:At least you got your makeup on.
Alex:Yea at least when you have the baby she's gonna see you in makeup.

Star's legs then began to feel numb and the contractions started to ease down a bit. Alex then put on city girls twerk and started twerking to try and make Star laugh.

Ms.Bruce:What the hell is this girl doing.
Alex:I'm trying to brighten the mood.
Simone:Yea well you're doing a pretty bad job.
Angel:Alex this isn't the club this is a hospital room.
Alex:And this is coming from the dude who bought a cheeseburger into the delivery room.
Star:I'm about to try and sleep off these contractions.

Star then took a 1 hour nap. When she woke up the doctor came in.

Doctor:Ms.Davis I think it's time for you to start pushing but before you do I have to inform you that you can only have 5 people to be in the delivery room.

Star remembered the people she chose were Carlotta,Simone,Alex, cotton, and Ms.Bruce. Noah didn't count because that was her spouse. Star then began pushing and the pain she was feeling was unbearable. Star held Noah's hand during the process but instantly she felt like giving up.

Star:I can't do this
Noah:Star yes you can you got this
Carlotta:Exactly you're mother did it, I did it, Star you can push out this baby.

Star then continued to push, and 15 minutes later the baby was born. After the doctor clipped the baby's umbilical cord and cleaned the baby then gave it to Star.

Carlotta:What are y'all going to name her.
Star:Me and Noah discussed 5 days ago and we decided to name her
Sarina Davis Brooks.

Star then gave the baby to Noah as he talked to her. Everybody then came back in after Star was settled Star then cut on the hospital Tv and saw how Gossip News was talking about Star delivering the baby. Everybody then left after getting a chance to hold the baby and Star went to sleep while Noah held the baby.

SURPRISE I know some of y'all were waiting for this chapter and it may have not been good but I was very excited to do the chapter Btw thank you for all the support 🤩and do you think Hunter is really gonna come back?🤔

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