The Mall

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~Amelia's POV~

As i ate my food, I felt as if someone was staring at me. I looked up from my phone, looking around the food court when I see Diego. I roll my eyes and motion for him to come sit. He walks over and sits. "What's with the intense staring?" I ask with a brow raised. "I couldn't tell if it was you." He shrugs. I off him the rest of my food, and he gladly accept. "How's Jesse?" I ask. "Good" He says with a mouth full of pizza. "gross" i say with a laugh.

~Anthony's POV~

After our photo shoot, we all went to the beach for a while, and now we're headed to the mall. As we pulled into the parking lot, chase was smiling at his phone. "What are you smiling about?" I tease. He shows me his phone and it's a fan edit of Amelia. I got upset at the fact that he finds her cute but I don't own her. We all got out of the car, walking to the H&M store. "i'm hungry" Jackson says. We all agree and head to the food court. We order from Chik-fil-a. I look around to find a table but instead stumble upon Amelia. I nudge the boys and nod towards her. They all start to check her out and I can't help but feel jealous. "Alright guys, have some respect" I say, making them stop taking her clothes off mentally. "but why is she so fine?" Josh says. I roll my eyes and get our food and sit at a table nearby but not really close. Chase suddenly gets flustered. "Who is he?" He asked with jealousy. I chuckle and look at the dude. "That's obviously not her boyfriend, he look 15" We all say. "How old is she again?" Chase says. "17" I reply. He nods and continues to stare. I roll my eyes and eat.

~Back to Amelia's POV~

"I'm gonna head home" He says and stands. I stand also and give him a hug. "Bye" I say. "Love you!" I yell as he walks away. "Love you too" He says and walks off. I grab my tray and my things and head to the trashcan, throwing my tray away and heading to American Eagle. As I'm walking I feel stares, so I turn around and see Anthony, Chase, Payton, Jackson, and Josh looking at me. I raise an eyebrow and walk into the direction of American Eagle.

I bought 3 pairs of ripped jeans and a shirt and walked out of the store, heading to Victoria's Secret. I walk inside, and get a few pairs of underwear and bra's. I walk to the perfumes, grabbing my go to vanilla scent and walk to the register. I pay and walk out of the store. I walk away to Brandy Melville and see the boys inside. I shrug and go inside, getting tube tops as I browse. Once I get everything I want, I pay and walk to Zumiez. I walk inside getting some Thrasher, Fila, and Champion hoodies. I walk to the vans and grab 3 pairs of shoes. I pay and walk out of the store. I set my bags to the side and tie my shoes fast, and grab my 5 bags again. I walk off into the direction of the Chanel store. Expensive I know but I get payed 23k a week. I sing, model, and dance. I walk into the store and grab 3 perfumes, paying and leaving the store. "Yikes." I look at the Gucci store. I shrug and head inside. Immediately seeing chase and the rest of them. I head straight to the shoes, looking at them. "Those one's would look nice on you" I hear someone say. I jump and turn around to see Anthony. "You scared me" I say with my hand on my heart. "sorry" he says. I smile lightly and accept his apology. He repeats what he says about the shoes and points to them. I grab a pair in a 5 1/2 and try them on. "They look great" he says with a smile. He was right, I take them off and put them in the box. "Thank you" I say. He smiles. "Can I have your number?" He says suddenly. "Fast aren't we?" I tease. He smiles and blushes a bit. I give him my phone to put his number and he does the same. I we give each other's phones back and I hug him. "Talk later" I say with a smile, grabbing my bags. "of course" He says with a grin. I walk away, out of the store, then out of the mall.

Through Thick and Thin|| Anthony ReevesWhere stories live. Discover now