you ate my muffin-

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~Anthony's POV~

I woke up, seeing Amelia laying on me. She looks so precious. I look around and see Vereena cuddles up next to Sam, Aurora with Chase, and everyone else scattered around the bed we made the previous night. I close my eyes, drifting off to sleep again.

Bright lights flashed In my face as I began to wake up again. "Shh, be quiet" A girls voice states. I open my eyes barely and see everyone taking pictures of me and Amelia.. "be quiet, you're gonna wake her up" I whisper, glaring at everyone. "too late" her voice says, opening her eyes. "send me those" she says before kissing my cheek. Everyone goes into the kitchen, raising her food. "Can I have one right here" I pout and point to my lips. She smiles and kiss my lips.

We got up and head into the kitchen. I sit on a stool while she grabs a muffin. She takes a bite and sets it down. I grin, grabbing her muffin and taking a bite. She pouts once she see's how much is left. "Hey, you ate my muffin" She says in a baby voice as I finish her muffin off. She smiles as her phone goes off. She shows me what she was looking at. Vereena posted it on her instagram.


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jacksonfelt, iitspayton, and 230,026 others liked.

Vereenasayed: we all wake up from a fun night and see this.
👥: luvanthony, ameliamartir

View all 6,296 comments

iitspayton: they got mad at us for waking them up.

fan: omg ship ship ship

hater: ew anthony deserves much better

luvanthony: she's fun to cuddle

ameliamartir: he's comfortable.

paytonmooremeirfan: ugh this is gross

~Amelia's POV~

I smile at how much comments were supportive but some were hateful and rude. I shrug and go upstairs to me room with Anthony. "Four more days until we leave for Vidcon" He says with a smile. "You got room for one more?" I ask, motioning to Vereena, knowing she's going to Vidcon. He nods. I smile. I need to start packing. I abruptly stand up. "Help me pack?" I ask with a smile. He nods and goes to my closet. I go to reach for my suitcase, failing since I'm too short. Anthony chuckles, grabbing my bag for me. I smile and set on my bed, starting to pack the bag.

We finished packing the clothes I wanted to take, so I go into my closet, and go to my secret door. Anthony walks in while I open the door, shocked. I grab my skateboard. He smirks. "So i'm dating a skater girl?" He asks. I nod and put on my vans. "Come on, I'm sure you guys have your skateboards, right?" I ask. "how'd you know we skate?" He asks. "Tik tok, duh" I say sarcastically. "Guys!" Anthony yells. Everyone comes rushing in. "Yes?" Sam says. "Go get our skateboards, we're going to the skate park." I say. Everyone nods. Aurora smiles, goes to my closet, grabbing her skateboard. Vereena's the only one who doesn't know how to ride a skateboard. "SAM" yell. "Aurora get my old skateboard please" I say. She goes back and get the old skateboard, handing it to Vereena. Vereena takes it, Sam soon appearing in the doorway. "teach Vereena how to skate please" I say. He nods and they walk outside.

~1 Hour Later~

Vereena finally learned how to ride so, we head out. As we skate, Anthony tries to keep up with me, but I was too fast. We turn off , going on the side walk, and riding to the skate park. We arrive at the skate park. Everyone stops except me and Aurora. We keep going. "Wait there's stairs" One of the boys yell. "we know!" I yell. We get to the stairs, hopping up, making my board flip, and landing on the ground. Aurora does the same. We head off, leaving Vereena with the boys, shocked. Me and Aurora continue doing tricks, practicing some we couldn't master, some doing correct. Soon after, the boys start doing tricks also.

Everyone continued doing there own thing. I try to do a trick but fail, falling on the ground. I stand up, brushing myself off, when a boy I don't recognize comes up to me. "I'm Troy" He says. His freckles scattered across his face, his brown hair fell in front of his face. "Nice to meet you, I'm Amelia" I say, holding my hand out for him to shake. He chuckles, shaking my hand. "You're really good at skating." He says with a smirk. He looked at me up and down. "Thanks, I'd say the same to you but I wasn't paying attention to anyone" I say with a soft laugh. "Can I have your number?" He asks. "Sure, but don't try anything" I say, handing him my phone. "And why not?" He asks with a brow raised. "I have a boyfriend" I say. "Oh okay, won't make moves on you, but I'd like to skate with you sometime, teach me your ways" He says with a laugh. "Yeah of course" I say. "I better go, it was nice meeting you" I say. "You too, Bye Amelia." He says, walking off. "Bye Troy" I say, turning around and seeing Anthony staring at me. I smile at him, but don't earn one back.

Through Thick and Thin|| Anthony ReevesWhere stories live. Discover now