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~3 months later in Amelia's POV~

"Yeah ok Ant" I said to the boy on my phone. "I'm serious Amelia!" He yelled. I was taken back by the sudden yell. "Ant, Im sorry Elmo Is better at fortnite than you" I say with a giggle. He groans. "He's a cheater" He says. I smile and shake my head. "Lia!" I hear a yell from Diego's room. "Gotta go Ant, I love you" I say. "Love you too" He says with a smile. I hang up and walk to Diego's room.

I walk in to see Diego on his phone while Jesse is next to him in his boxers. "I'm not even going to ask why he's only in his boxers" I say, pointing to Jesse, earning a wink from the curly head. I roll my eyes. "Yeah best you don't. Anyways, is it okay if Mikey comes over?" He says. "As in Mikey Tua?" I ask. He nods, looking at his phone. "Yeah sure, no fugly bitch tagging along tho" I say. Diego laughs.

I close his door, walking downstairs into the kitchen. I set my phone on the counter, going to the fridge. Grabbing a water, I hear my phone buzz. Setting the water on the counter, i look at my phone and see a dm.

LilaJade: You know, it's not smart to not be in the same state as Anthony.

what the fuck. This bitch again?

AmeliaMartir: What do you want Lila?

LilaJade: I thought it was clear? Anthony duh.

AmeliaMartir: That's rough, you can't have him.

LilaJade: You sure about that?

After her message, a photo pops up. I hesitate to open it but do. There he was, laying down with hickeys down his jawline to the collarbone. Fucking prick, that's why he didn't want to facetime, just wanted to be on a phone call.

*AmeliaMartir has blocked LilaJade*

dumbass children

lia🌹: guys..

pay🌷: hey lia whatsup?

Sesame Street Headass: whatsup gerber?

Hannah🤩: Hey love, what's up?

Eboy: You okay Lia? You never just text us with "guys.." ?

Baby🥰❤️: Hey baby, you okay?

*Lia🌹 has removed Baby🥰❤️ from chat*

Larray💞: Why'd you take Ant out of the chat?

Lia🌹: He cheated.

Eboy: What?

Sam🛹:What? How'd you find out.

Lia🌹: Lila sent me a photo of him to purposely get me upset but he had hella hickey's on his neck, and I haven't seen him since the accident with diego.

Hannah🤩: What a prick.

Issa: I'm so sorry love, I'm going to wisconsin in 2 days so I will spoil you sm!

Through Thick and Thin|| Anthony ReevesWhere stories live. Discover now