I miss you.

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~Amelia's POV~

We walked out of the elevator and walked towards everyone. Anthony let go of my hand, and we drift farther away from eachother. Why? I don't know."So everyone already knows who they're sharing with"Jaden says. "You're sharing with me" Josh says in-front of the hotel room, pointing to both me and Anthony. We nod, walking inside. I set my suitcase to the side, and lay down on a bed, still not speaking, and drifted to sleep.

I woke up, from flashing and whispering. I open my eyes and see Payton and Jackson. "What are you doing?" I ask. Payton's eyes grow wide. "Uhm. Nothing!" He says quickly. I look around the room, not seeing anyone else. "Where's Josh and Ant?" I ask. "They went to Mcdonald's to get us some food" Jackson says. I nod and get up. "What time is it?" I ask. "it's 6:28" They say in sync. I laugh and open my suitcase. "Well jm gonna change out my sweat at least and i'll meet you in you're suite." I say. They nod and leave the room.

I slid my sweat off, instantly regretting not going into the bathroom since the room door opened. I hear both boys voices. I shriek and jump behind a bed. "What the hell?" Anthony says, coming closer to the side of the bed i was. "Don't come over here!" I squeal. "Okay and why?" He says, inching closer. "Anthony I swear to god" I groan. "Josh can you go into the bathroom?" I ask. Josh chuckles and says yeah. Soon a door is closed. "Anthony give me a pair of my nike shorts from my suitcase" I say. "Oh so you didnt have pants on?" He says with a laugh. "Yes now please!" I say. I laughs, throwing a pairs of ripped shorts at me. I slip them on and yell im done to Josh. He walks out and gives me a weird look. "I don't want to talk about it" I say, grabbing a bag of food and my phone and walking to Paytons suite.

The door flies open, revealing Sam. I smile and walk inside. "Hey guys!" I yell. I walk more into the room and sit down at a desk.

~Time skip to the meet and greet the next day~

We all talked with eachother as we waited for the guards to let everyone come meet us. Soon enough, girls were let in. One girl came up to my first, skipping griffin and Jaden. "Omg i'm such a huge fan" she squeals. I hug her tightly. "Nice to meet you" I say with a smile. "Im glad you came to Wilmington, Ohio" The girls says in gratitude.

Hours went by and we were now at the hotel. Anthony has barely spoken to me today and I don't know why.

I scrolled through instagram, liking my friends pictures and fans edits. "ai'm going to go to dinner with Noen, Chase and Jaden" Josh says. We nod and he leaves. Anthony grabs my phone from me, looking at me dead in the eyes. He's making it hard not to kiss him. I stared at him until he bit his lip. What the fuck. I break the eye contact by looking at my phone. "May I have my phone back?" I ask, looking at him again. He shakes his head slightly before looking at my lips. I jump towards my phone, really wanting to avoid the urge of kissing him. He pulls it back. I lay back down in defeat. He continues to look at me.

I grab his chin, pulling him to me. Our lips touched. His lips still felt as soft and plump. Anthony hovered over me, putting a hand on my lower back. His tongue brushed against my lip. I flip us over so im straddling him. His hands roamed on my back. He flipped us over again then disconnects our lips, moving his mouth to my jaw, and then my collar bone. He sucks roughly, biting the same spot. I moaned softly. He smirks against my skin, moving back up to my ear. "I missed you" He whispers. "Me too" I say kissing him roughly.

I jumped at the sound of a knock. Anthony jumps off of me, going to the door. I rush into the bathroom, closing the door and locking it. I look in the mirror and sure enough theirs a hickey. "Fuck" I whisper. I shrug, not wanting to cover it up. I flush the toilet, acting as if I used the bathroom and walked out of the bathroom, seeing Jaden. He immediately see's my neck. "What's on your neck?" He questioned, looking between the both of us. "I burnt myself while straightening my hair." I say. He makes an o shape with his mouth and continues to talk with Anthony. I lay on my bed and go on instagram.


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zarbruh, aurorasmith,iitspayton, and 938,958 others liked.
ameliamartir: i crave your lips.
View 8,196 other comments.
zarbruh: knew it.
luvanthony: 👀❤️
xlilhuddy: thats my bestie
~aurorasmith: back off shes mine!
vereena: gorgeous love!
fan: why is troy upset aren't they dating now?
~ameliamartir: no, even though he commented, he called me saying he couldn't for a reason i will not say.

Through Thick and Thin|| Anthony ReevesWhere stories live. Discover now