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~Two months later in Amelia's POV~

I dressed in my clothes for court. I don't do my makeup, and brush out my hair. I step out of the bathroom, and walking to Diego's room. I knock and moments later, the door opens. I look inside and see boxes everywhere. "You ready?" I ask. He nods. "I'm glad you agreed to move in with my after Mom and Dad kicked me out after telling them about the emancipation." I say looking at him. "Well because you were gone, they were starting to try and talk down to me. I wasn't having it so I was staying at Jesse's for a while" He says. I nod and we get into my car.

We pull up to the courthouse. I see my parents speaking with their Lawyer. I park the car, getting out. Diego steps out and we walk into the court house, going straight into the court room.

"All rise" The judge says. Everyone obeys and stands.

"You may sit" The judge says. 

"Miss Martir, I have been informed you want to be emancipated and granted custody of you're younger brother." The judge says, looking at me. 

"Yes sir" I say. 

"And why is that?" He asks, looking at me. "You see sir, my whole life I was neglected but when my father tried to have me an my brother, Diego, I was not happy" I say.

"As a child, I was emotionally abused. I was always told that I ruin everything. One of these occurrences I have a witness. She was there with me and I was never more crushed in my life."

The judge nods, so I continue.

"This is why I have a hospital report of an attempted suicide. The night of that incident, my ex boyfriend had raped me, and when I asked for help from my parents, they shamed me saying I was the cause of it and that we should not go to court." A tear rolls down my face. 

"So you did not press charges against the boy?" He asks looking at me. 

"No actually, I was not given a choice to. My parents refused to believe I was raped and convinced themselves that I had given consent and after I tried to say it was not consensual. But in fact, I did not say yes and while the incident occurred, I begged the boy to stop, in which he did not." I say. 

"Alright Miss Martir." He says, looking to my parents.

"Mr and Ms Martir, please tell me your side of the story." He asks.


"All rise" A man says, while the judge sits back down.

"You may sit" He says again.

"I have come to a decision" The judge says.

"Mr and Mrs Martir, From now on, you have no rights or custody towards your daughter, or you're son." He says.

"Court Adjourned" He says, hitting the paddle thing against the wooden platform. I hug Diego and we start to walk out of the house. 

"How dare you" My mother screams. I turn around and look at her. "My only daughter decides to get emancipated and take custody of my only son also? How dare you! I wish I would've aborted you like my mother said!" My mother screamed at me. "I wish she did that with you" I say, walking off with Diego. (Please pretend Amelia is the only sibling of Diego) 

We go home and change into more comfortable clothes. We head to the mall and walk around. Eventually, Diego ran into his friend so he left. I walked around the mall. I walked to the food court and got my food, then sitting down and ate. I see Chase is live so I join. 

"Yeah totally Pay" Chase says laughing. "It's not my fault ramen came out of my nose!" Payton says, raising is hands up in defense. "You two are dorks" I comment. "omg hi Lia" Chase says. Payt swiftly grabs the phone. "LIA I MISS YOU" he says in the phone. I laugh and request to join. They accept and I appear on the screen. "I miss you guys too" I say with a warm smile. "How was it?" Chase asks. "I won, and it ended with my mother saying she wished she had an abortion" I say with a laugh. Their mouths drop at what my mother said. "That's just rude" Payton says. I laugh and get a text from Diego he want to go soon. "Okay guys, I need to go, I still have to go to Pink and Victoria's Secret" I say. "Gross" Payton says. I laugh and leave the live.

I walk into Hollister, immediately seeing ripped jeans. I grab a bunch of pairs and go to the dressing room. I go into a room, texting Diego where I am. I start trying on the Jeans when I hear Diego with another familiar voice. I stay quiet, trying to hear the other persons voice. "Is she here or not Diego?" the voice says, obviously moody. I finish trying on my last pair of jeans and I like all of them. I change into my shorts and walk out of the dressing room. 

I walk to the register, still listening to their voices. They haven't seen me so that's good, but why do I recognize this voice so much? The lady gives me the bag with a warm smile. "Here you go, have a nice day" she says sweetly. "You too." I say. I walk off, running into Diego and Anthony. I roll my eyes and walk out of the store. "I told you she wouldn't want to see you" Diego says with annoyance. I walk into Ulta, getting the Mario Badescu sprays and a moisturizer.

"What do you want Anthony" I say, turning around. "To say sorry. Amelia Martir I'm truly sorry for how I acted before you left." Anthony says. "Okay, you apologized, now I'm gonna go check out, and I'll see you on social media." I say, being heartless. "You wouldn't want to be fr-" I cut him off immediately. "Listen here Reeves, what you did was uncalled for. I know I didn't tell you, but that doesn't mean you had to be that shady. I forgive you, but I can't be friend with someone who thought so low of me. Who thought I didn't fight to be with them. I can't do that." I say, looking into his blue eyes. He frowns, walking out of the ulta, back into the main lobby of the mall. I checkout and leave the store with Diego. "Why not just take him back?" Diego says looking at me. "Because he hurt me, he thought I wouldn't fight for him, and that when he lashed out on me, that made me more upset." I say, putting my bags in the back, and driving home

Through Thick and Thin|| Anthony ReevesWhere stories live. Discover now