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~Amelia's POV~

Drifting awake, I feet weight on my waist. I open my eyes, looking to see Anthony's arm draped over my waist, holding me firmly, and his face in the crook of my neck. I smile and look at the time. 9:32 AM. I yawn softly, shifting a bit. This causes Anthony to open his eyes, his baby blue eyes. You could get lost- Stop it Amelia. He's your friend. I smile and look at his arm, still in the place it was 20 seconds before. He looks at his arm and picks it up. "I'm sorry" He says with a raspy voice. Holy hell- STOP AMELIA. "It's okay Anthony" I say with a smile. He gives me a warm smile before sitting up. I do the same. "Ihop?" I ask. He nods, getting up from the bed. "You can take a shower real quick" I say. He nods. "where is it?" he says with a chuckle. I point at the bathroom next to my closed room door. He nods, going inside, locking it.

I hear the water turn on, so I get up and walk outside of my room, running into Diego. "Well well well, it's miss 'I will text you'" I laugh. I explained what happened yesterday. "I'm so sorry Lia" Diego says with a frown. "it's okay Diego, it's not your fault" I say, giving him a half smile. I hear a creak in the floor behind us as we spoke. I turned around and see Anthony. "Who's this?" Diego says. "I'm Anthony" Anthony says. "Oh so you're the guys who helped lia? Nice to meet you man, i'm glad you were here when you were. I'm Diego, Lia's brother" Diego says.  "Wait a minute, aren't you the one who fought Brandon in the elevator or something like that?" Anthony asks. I laugh at the memory. "That's me" Diego says. We all keep talking before I decide to hop in the shower.

"I'm going to get into the shower, make yourself at home Ant" I say. "Ant? where'd that come from?" He says with a smirk. I roll my eyes and go into my closet, getting my clothes, then hopping the shower. (Outfits are gonna always be above, just so i don't have to say it every time) I step out of the shower, drying off, and putting my clothes on. I open the door and walk out, grabbing a brush and brushing through my hair. Sports by Beach Bunny came on.

"If You feel lonely

I could be lonely with you

Tell me, baby

why do you seem so blue" I sang as the words were sung on tune.

Soon i feel someone staring at me, I turn around and see Anthony. "You've got a beautiful voice" He says with a smile. I giggle and continue to sing. I leave my hair as its grungy but cute look and we head out to ihop. On the way, I turned on Fast by Juice Wrld. I sang along like the words were in a book.

We pull into a parking, getting out and walking inside. We take a seat and talk with each other as we eat. "So, when you all followed me on Instagram, why did I gain 167,000 followers, you famous or something?" I say with a laugh. "I'm really famous on Tik Tok, I'm currently in the waiting period for our second phase of tour." He says with a huge smile. "We're all here to hangout until we get back on the road in two weeks" I grin. "So when are you leaving for Hollywood?" I ask. "In 5 days, then we're off to Vidcon with all of our friends" I smile, "welp you're not escaping me so soon, I'm performing, the hosts asked me." I say. His smile widens. "Really?" I nod. "How about you leave with us then?" I smile. "You got room for 2? My best friend, Aurora is coming with me." I say. He nods eagerly. I laugh and look outside, seeing his friend group and Aurora? He looks at what I'm looking at and smiles. We get up and tell them to sit with us, they accept and join us at our booth, but we moved one over since the large group.

As we all talk, I begin to speak to Aurora, one on one. We talk with each other about random things while the boys talk about whatever boys talk about. We laugh at each others jokes and talk about how excited we were for vidcon. Soon after we had nothing else to talk about, we join the boys' conversation. But things had to be ruined. My face drops and I become quiet.

I stare at him, at how he was staring at me with my friends. Then he started to approach us. My eyes go wide as I choke on my water. Everyone notices Kyle, questioning on who he is. "Amelia" He says with a smirk. My breath hitches immediately

~Anthony's POV~

"What do you want?" Amelia mumbles, as her voice cracks. Aurora's eyes went wide. "Kyle, I think you should leave" Aurora speaks carefully, as if she wanted to be firm but it came out more unsure. This is Kyle? THE Kyle? I watched him closely, watching every move. "Why Aurora? So she can leave again? I don't think so." I sat at the end so If he did anything, I would jump immediately. Amelia squirmed in her seat next to me. I leaned to her ear, "Don't worry, He won't touch you" I say softly, she looks at me with pleading eyes. I look at him to see him staring at me. "Can I help you?" I say annoyed. "Why you touching my girl?" He says with anger. I laugh. The boys sat there wondering what was happening. "Listen man, just leave. You're obviously not welcome" Payton said. Kyle grew furious. He went to grab Amelia arm, when I grab his arm. "touch her, I dare you" I say with anger. "Watcha gonna do? cry?"He laughs. "Leave" Josh says. Sam watches him closely. "Oh so you fucking my sloppy seconds, huh pretty boy?" Kyle says with a smirk. I don't react. "Oh yeah. Definitely, she's really good in bed ya know? Oh wait did you not get to experience it? oops" I say with a smile, standing up. He throws a punch, dodging it, throwing a left hook, hitting his jaw. As I threw punches Amelia squealed, when I knew he had enough, I stop.

"Aurora, come with me and Amelia to make sure she's okay" I say. "Josh, follow my car" I say. He nods and we all leave, making sure to pay before we go. I open the back door, for the both of them to get inside, which they do. I close the car door, walking to mine and getting inside, starting the car and driving off, with josh and the guys behind me.

Through Thick and Thin|| Anthony ReevesWhere stories live. Discover now