"Fat Ass"

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~Amelia's POV~

I woke up to my arm being violently pull from one place to another. "What" I groaned. "We're here" Chase squeals like a girl. I giggle, getting my things. We get off the plane, all going to claim our suitcases. Everyone started to talk with each other except for myself. I stared at the floor, thinking nothing. My mind was blank. I was startled when someone yelled my name. I turn around and see Larray and Issa. "LARRAY! ISSA" I yell, dropping all of my stuff and running to them, hugging them. "I missed you guys." I say with a laugh. "Bitch where's my hug?!" Issa and Vereena say at the same time. I laugh and we all hug each other. At the corner of my eye, I see Anthony get his things and walk away, pissed. I let go of them and tell them I'll be right back. I go to the guys, getting my things. "who the fuck is that?" Josh says in annoyance. "My friends, and don't worry, I won't get fucked, their gay. Oh and I'll meet you guys at the hotel" I say, hugging everyone except josh then walking off with my things. 

We left the airport, heading the the convention center. Our Uber was a young woman, and she just wouldn't shut her mouth. I began to get irritated. As I was about to snap, the car stopped. We get out, getting our things and leave, not saying thank you or tipping her. We get into the lobby and go to the desk. The woman recognizes Vereena and begins to talk with her. I was already irritated. "Excuse me?" I say nicely. She looks at me and scoffs. "Hi, can we get our room key? We are here to see our fans that are waiting outside and I am already irritated so will you PLEASE get back to your job and get us our fucking key" I snap. She nods and gives us our key. "We love a Bad Bitch" Larray says. I laugh and we get into the elevator. 

We hear laughs and turn around, seeing our group. I roll my eyes, when I'm shoved. I get up from the floor and see Anthony with a girl. The girl smirks. I get up, immediately walking towards her. I tap her shoulder. She turns around, and frowns. "What do you want?" She says, chewing her gum loudly. "Shove me again, I dare you" She smirks, pushing me. I move backwords, catching my fall with my left foot. I shove her roughly, making her fall. "Test me. I fucking dare you bitch." I say. turning on my heel, walking towards my small group of friends. "BADDEST BITCH" Issa and Larray say in unison. I laugh and we go the elevator. As we wait, Anthony and them approach the elevator. Great. The elevator open, showing 3 boys I don't recognize. They walk out of the elevator, passing us. We all gather into the elevator. "Babe, you're neck is fine." Anthony voice echoes throughout the elevator. Babe? We didn't even officially break up but whatever. "Her fatass better watch it" The girl says. My head whips around towards her. I swear I could've gotten whiplash. "Hey, this fatass will beat the shit out of you." I snap at her. "Bring it." The elevator door opens, all of us walking out. The girl grabs my arm, turning me back around. "I said bring it" she says. 

I nod, punching her in her nose. I grab her hair, yanking her on the floor. I got on top of her and began to throw punches, not caring who was around me. I punch her nose again, hearing a snap. "Whoops. Surgery won't fix that shit" I say as I got up. I begin to walk, but stop by Anthony. "Next time, find someone that can fight, and we're done" I say walking off. Larray pulled my suitcase, insisting I shouldn't since I'm a queen. I shake my head, taking my suitcase from him, and opening our room. 

~Anthony's POV~ 

"Next time, find someone that can fight, and we're done" she says, walking off, the two boys and Vereena walking off behind her. I turn around and see Lila holding her nose. "Let me help" I say. She nods, pulling her hands away from her nose. I pop it back in place, hearing everyone squeal. "She didn't break it, just popped it out of place" I say. "She's here for not even ten minutes and she's in a fight" Sam says with an amazed face. Chase laughs. "Lila, I think it's best you stay away from us" Aurora says, glaring at her. "Not while I'm dating Anthony" She says with a smirk. "Well then I guess we're no longer dating" I say with a laugh. We all walk away, towards our room.

"Yeah okay." I hear a female voice. Instantly knowing who it is. "Larray shut your ass up, thicky nicky is dead." She says with a giggle. Oh god that giggle. "Rest in Peace" A voice says. "Let's go on omegle" her voice echoes out of her room. "Why'd they leave their door open?" Jackson asks. "Well, we're all neighbors" Josh says, pointing to our three rooms. We all nod. "Anthony, Aurora, and Chase in this room" Jackson says pointing to the one next door to Amelia. "Me, Payton, and Josh in this one" he points to the one across from my room. "Sam, Vereena, and Amelia in that one" He says pointing to the one next to his room. We all nod, going into our rooms.

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