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~Amelia's POV~

I get into my car and drive home. I pull into the driveway and walk inside. Closing the door behind me, I walk into the kitchen, setting my shopping bags down, and going to the fridge. There was a note so I grabbed it.

"Dear Amelia, I'm sorry this is on such short notice but I need to go to India for 6 months for the next project for me job, I'm sorry Mija that I left without notice but I would've lost my job. I love you with all my heart and I will keep in contact with you as much as I can. Love, Mom"

I sigh, setting the note on the counter. I grab my bags and set them on my bed, and begin to take them out of the bags. I turn on my TV, putting it to my Apple music. I press shuffle and fold my clothes. (Her room is above) I walked into my closet, putting my jeans in a cubbie, and hanging my shirts, and putting my tube tops in another cubbie. I layed down in my bed, scrolling through Instagram.

I heard a knock at my door so I get up and go to the door, opening it. "Kyle" I say with disgust. "Well hello Amelia, how are you?" He asks. "I was good until you got here" I say with hatred. "Ouch" He says, putting a hand to his heart. "May I come in?" He asks, motioning to inside. "No? Why in the hell would I let you inside my house?" He shrugs. "Because you still love me" He said with a smirk. I laughed hysterically, "You're kidding right? How in the fuck would I still love you when you were verbally and physically abusive? How in the fuck would that work when I still have nightmares about you Kyle? How does that work? Cause I sure as hell don't know how the fuck you got that from" I say. His smirk disappears. He frowns and grabs my wrist. "You listen here, bitch. You will never speak to me like that again. You hear me?" He says, bringing his face close to mine. My breath hitches. "Let go of me." I say. He lets go, looks at me, and walks off. I close the door and run of to my room. I start to hyperventilate.

*Incoming Call from (***) *** ****

I answer not caring who it is. "H-hello?" I hiccup. "He- Oh my god are you okay?" A familiar voice says. "Who I-is this??" I say trying to keep my breathing in check. "Anthony, Amelia, are you alright?" He says with panic. "I-i'm f-f-fine" I say, stuttering. "No you're not, where are you?" I instantly cry harder. He right, i'm not okay. "Home." He nods. "Where is that?" He asks. I tell him the address and he says he's on the way. I nod and hang up.

Soon after, my doorbell rings. I slowly get up, walking down the stairs, and opening it. "Are you alright?" He spoke as he walked inside. My throat tightened. I opened my mouth to speak but nothing came out. "Come on" He says lightly. "Where's your room?" He asks looking around, I point at the door from the bottom of the steps. I begin to walk but soon, my legs give out. I just wanted to cry. Anthony immediately grabs my waist before I fell. He looks at me and swiftly picks me up bridal style, walking up the stairs and going into my room, setting me gently on the bed. He walks to the other side, taking off his shoes, and sitting with his legs crossed looking at me for answers. I opened my mouth but choked again. "Hey it's okay, do you need some water?" He asks softly. I nod. He swiftly gets up and goes downstairs.

It took Anthony a sec to find the kitchen but he came back 5 minutes later. Setting the glass beside me, I move over a bit, making room for him to sit. He accepts and sits, looking at me with patience. "After I left the mall, I came home, put the things I bought away, and then sat in my bed and was scrolling through Instagram when I heard the doorbell ring." I explained, looking up at Anthony. He nods to go on so I do. "I opened the door to see my ex, Kyle. He was really abusive towards me so we broke up about a year ago. But I guess he moved back here." I say with a shrug, truly not knowing what Kyle was doing here. "Basically he asked to come in and I said why would I do that and he replied with 'cause you still love me' and I got mad so I asked why I would after what he did to me. He didn't take it so well, since he grabbed my wrist really violently and said to never speak to him like that again, and got into my face. He left and I started to hyperventilate, and that's when you called." I said, looking down at my hands. "How'd he abuse you?" Anthony said, laced with anger. "Verbally, and-" I choked on my own words. "Physically" I mumbled. Arms wrapped around me, pulling me into his chest. I sniffle and hug his chest tightly. "I'll never that him near you again, okay?" I nod. "And that's a promise" I giggle softly. "Thank you" I say in his shoulder. He pulls away from me and looks into my eyes. "Never will I ever not be here for you, Amelia" I smile softly.


 luvanthony, aurorasmith, and 67,486 others liked

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luvanthony, aurorasmith, and 67,486 others liked

AmeliaMartir: Thank you Anthony for being my shoulder to cry on❤️
👥: luvanthony
View 4,856 other comments

DiegoMartir: Excuse me? I would've helped😒

~AmeliaMartir: I'll text you

fan1: Lowkey ship this tho..

*luvanthony liked this comment*

xlilhuddy: i hope you're alright

~AmeliaMartir: I'm ok, thanks

luvanthony: always❤️
~AmeliaMartir: ❤️

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