Character+ Backstory

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Maggie Lindemann as Amelia Martir

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Maggie Lindemann as Amelia Martir

Maggie Lindemann as Amelia Martir

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Anthony Reeves as himself

Payton Mooremeier as himself

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Payton Mooremeier as himself

Payton Mooremeier as himself

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Chase hudson as himself

Dina Denoire as Aurora Smith

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Dina Denoire as Aurora Smith

Dina Denoire as Aurora Smith

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Diego Martir as himself

other characters included as they will be played as themselves- Issa, Larray, Avani, Madison Beer, Sam Hurley, Josh Richards, Jackson Felt, Zoe Laverne, Cody Orlove, Elmo O'dwyer, Hannah Rylee, and Vereena!

Im Amelia Martir, born in Wisconsin. (idk if diego was born here but just for the story tho) As I grew up, I was a quiet child. Never talked much. Grew up with manners. I stopped being so antisocial when my little brother came around Diego. I didn't mind having a little brother but sometimes I wish i wasn't the oldest. But  whatever. I grew up, went to high school, and graduated early from the credits I got. I graduated high school, started dating a boy names Kyle, at first it was loving, but after a few weeks, he began to be more violent, demanding. I didn't think anything of it but I questioned if this was normal. When it became physical and verbal abuse. I knew it wasn't, but I was too scared to leave. Too scared of what he would do. At one point, he wanted to take the "relationship" to the next level. I wasn't ready so I told him that. But, that didn't stop him. I'm a rape victim but I'm too numb to really realize how much it hurts. I don't ask for pity, nor sympathy. I want to be treated like others. The only person who knows about the situation is my dad. My father was not happy but at the time he was barely coming back into my life, meaning he didn't care as much as I thought, this is why I haven't spoke about him for the last year. I don't care for him. He left my mom, me, and diego when I was 5, so diego was 3. My mother kept the remaining clothes he left behind. She sleeps in them once in a while. I really feel bad for him. He missed out on two great kids. He really did. But what can I do? Nothing. He's tried to come into contact with me, but I shut him out. If he didn't want to be apart of my life after being gone for 12 years, no. Last I heard, he was in Illinios. I could care less really. But I might have to live with him at one point. Apart from Kyle, and my father. Life is wonderful. I sing, model, and dance for a living, and I have one of the most important photoshoots in my life tomorrow.

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