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~Anthony's POV~

She looked so precious as she slept. Why hadn't I realized that she was so important to me? Everything about her was so perfect. How could I fuck up so bad?

She stirred awake as she looked around her. We pulled up to her house and she looks at me. "Can you stay with me" she says. I nod and say bye to the boys.

We walk inside and head up to her room since her mom was out of town as usual. She looks around and her mood drops.

~Amelia's POV~

I walked in and looked around. How depressing my room looked. I sat down on my bed as Anthony follows.

"What happened that night lia?"

I looked down at my hands. "I dont remember"

"Its okay Lia." Anthony said as he looked at me. "Wanna watch a movie"

I nod and head downstairs to the living room. We sat down next to eachother and started to watch the movie that anthony had chosen, which happened to be a horror movie.

As we watched the movie, multiple jumpscares had popped up, making me hide into anthony's arm. He chuckles, pulling me close into his arm. I laid on his shoulder.

After 30 minutes of the movie, i started to drift asleep. and I let slumber take over my body.

~Anthony's POV~

after watching to movie for a while, i look down at Lia to see her sleeping. Boring.

I stand up, and slide my arm under her thighs and back, carrying up to her room.

Diego walked out as soon as I got up the stairs.

"Can you open her door" I say nodding my head to the door. He nods and opens it, watching me walk inside and put his sister into her bed.

I walk out of her room, and close her door on the way out.

"Where do you think your going" Jesse says walking out diego's room.

"To the guest room" I say, pointing to the bedroom across amelia's.

Jesse shakes his head. "No you're not, you sir are gonna go back in her room, and make sure she'll be okay" He says, pointing back to amelia's room.

"I dont think thats a good idea" i say, starting to walk to the guest room. Diego jumps in front of me, pushing me back into amelia's room. I groan silently and look behind me to see amelia sitting up.

"Hey, you okay" she says softly, looking at me. I nod and softly smile at her. She nods and lays back down.

I reach for the doorknob until her voice fills the room. "Stay with me, please" I look back at her to see her staring right at me. I nod and walk towards her.

She scoots over, laying closest to the wall. I pull the blanket over me as she instantly curls into my chest.

"Goodnight love" I whisper.

Her head perks up, looking at my face. She leans in and kisses my cheek before laying her head down. I peck her head and cuddle into her.

I'm so lucky.

-2 days later in Amelia's POV-

"Anthonyyy" I groan as he stands on the chair, making him three times taller then me.

He laughs and stares down at me. "Please give it back" I pout. He smiles and jumps from the chair, handing me my bagel. "Thank you" I say, walking to the counter. He walks behind me, putting his hand around my waist.

"Lets do something fun today" He says. I look up. "Like what?"

"Let's go to the mall?" He says looking at me. I nod and peel myself from his arms. He pouts and looks at me. Then he grins. oh no.

I run up the stairs, running as fast as i could. Sadly my little legs didnt go far before he grabbed me, throwing me on his shoulder. I giggle loudly and kick my legs aggressively.

"Oh no princess" He laughs, gripping onto me tighter.

How lucky i am for him.

Through Thick and Thin|| Anthony ReevesWhere stories live. Discover now