That one feelings

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~Amelia's POV~

You know that feeling as if everything collapses at once? That's how it felt that day.I got the call as I was eating breakfast with Anthony. Diego was jumped, and shot. He laid in the hospital, lifeless as you could ever be if you're in a coma. I haven't ate, slept, showered. Nothing. Just sat in the chair beside his bed. Staring at my brother. You see, the saying "things happen for a reason" is complete bullshit, because if so, why was my brother in a coma?

Jesse called me the day of the shooting. Diego had left to go get gas for his car. Cameras showed Diego got gas but got jumped as he was about to get in the car, and they shot him for fighting back.

You never expect something like this to happen to a sibling. Especially a 15 year old boy.

I'm sitting here, staring at the floor while his heart monitor beeped to a rhythm that i now know.


His heart rate got faster. My head shoots up, yelling for a doctor. Diego's body shook vigorously, something you would see in grey's anatomy or another show about hospitals and such. This all felt surreal. I was rushed out to the waiting room. Sitting down, I saw 2 toddlers. A girl and a boy. The boy was smaller than the little girl. They ran around the chairs, carelessly. They obviously didn't realize how serious being in the hospital is but they're children. As I watched the two, I saw myself and diego at a park, playing around with other kids. Carelessly. Not having a worry in the world.

I jumped at the feeling of a hand on my shoulder. I turn my head, seeing an older woman. "Hi dear" She says sweetly. I smile weakly.

"Hello" I said just above a whisper.

"Are you alright?" She asks

I went to talk but nothing came out. Except tears, they fell swiftly from my eye. The two children run up to me, hugging me, then running away, the woman following. "Grandma, where's mommy?" The girl asked sweetly. "Kayla. Mason." The woman says, caressing each of their cheeks. "She's gone baby" The woman says, her voice cracking. The children looked at each other before sitting down. "I must go, i'm so sorry" the woman says before walking over to the kids, slouched in their chairs staring down at the floor crying.

Hospitals are either where you go for an injury, to be born, or to die. But never did I think my brother would be here as a patient from a shooting.

I looked down at my phone, seeing notifications from fans, friends, even my aunts and uncles. I've ignored everyone. Including Anthony. Until now. His ID popped onto the screen.

Taking a deep breath, I answer. We spoke dryly, I really didn't want to talk, he knew that so soon enough he hung up. "Diego Martir" A woman yells. I get up swiftly, practically running to her. "He's awake" She says. My heart stopped. He's awake. Alive. I run past her, running to the room. I stop just before the door, looking at the handle. I turn it, pushing the door. There he sat, teary eyes and sniffling. His head perks up, before bursting into tears. I close the door, running up to him and hugging him tightly.

My brother is okay.

Through Thick and Thin|| Anthony ReevesWhere stories live. Discover now