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~Amelia's POV~

Seeing him happy even after what he did hurt.

Jackson and Chase were making tik toks, while i stood in my room curled into a ball. I love them but its seems like they would rather be with the guys.

"Jackson, Chase!" I yell. They both walk into the room. "You guys can go hang out with someone, I'll cope." I say, looking at my hands. "Amelia, no." Jackson says. I grew irritated. I just want to be alone. "Please guys. I want to be alone" I say in desperation. Thy sigh and look at each other before leaving my room with a simple okay and leaving.

Just then Troy calls. I answer and put the phone to my ear.

"Hello?" my voice was low.

"Hey lia, how've you been doing?" His voice was worried.

"I'm fine troy" I say.

"Look outside" He says before hanging up.

I did what he said and looked, and he was there with a bug bouquet of roses. I smile softly and walk downstairs and open the door.
"Thought you needed some cheering up" He said with a smile. I grin and giggle. "I did" I said, hugging him tightly. "So let's go skating" He said. I nod and walk inside changing into my good clothes, brush my hair, and grab my skateboard.

As we hung out, Troy talked about how much he likes some girl.

"I really like her lia" He says. I smile.
"Make a move on her" I say, looking at him.
"I can't" He says, looking down. "Why not?"
"Because she's hung up on her ex." He says.

Those words came out of his mouth, and it felt as though he was angry. Then i realized he might be talking about me.

We skated for hours, sometimes in silence, and sometimes small talk occurred.

Then, we decided we wanted ice cream so we started to head back to my house.

Crickets even.

The only thing that could be heard were the crickets and the wheels of our boards spiraling against the pavement.

"Troy?" A girls voice said and we passes the park.

Troy stopped, looking at the short blonde.

"Come hang out with me and Kayla, we havent seen you in weeks!" She says.

Troy hesitated, before looking at me. "Can i go with them?" He asks. I frown softly and look down.

"Uhm" My voice cracks a bit, "yeah sure, go for it" I say, skating off without saying bye.

✿ ✿ ✿

As I approached the main highway, still skating since I didn't want to go home, drips of water hit my nose. Great.

I step off my board, grabbing it, and begin walking.

I walked for 15 minutes down the highway until i finally got tired. I look back and forth, seeing the cars were a distance away from where i stood. I sprint across the road, but i hadn't looked hard enough because an 18- wheeler came speeding at me. It was too late


~Anthony's POV~

The lights shined through the windshield as I drove from the airport. I steadily drove and drifted. I turn on the radio and start to softly hum to the beat. Suddenly, my radio stops, and a woman's voice blares through the speakers.

"A young woman, short black hair, piercings, brown eyes has just been in an accident. The woman was hit by an 18- wheeler off *highway name* She was found on the side in some bushes with a broken skateboard on the road. The 18-wheeler is no where to be found but witnesses have identified it as a coca-cola truck with the license plate of GP58CE. If you have any information, contact the police right away"

Damn, poor girl.

Suddenly, his phone started to ring.

"Hello?" His voice was calm.

"Anthony, you need to come to the hospital now." Chase's voice was in panic. In the background you could hear all the boys, a deep voice and diego.

"what happened" Anthony grew scared.

"It's Lia."

Through Thick and Thin|| Anthony ReevesWhere stories live. Discover now