Truth or Dare?

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~Amelia's POV~

As we drove, I would notice Anthony occasionally looking into the rear view mirror, looking at me. As we pulled into my house, I sat up from laying on Aurora's lap. Anthony opens the car door, helping me out of the car. I unlock my door, walking to the kitchen, everyone following me. I opened the fridge and got some pineapple juice. It was truly my favorite, always have been since the 2 grade when my crush gave me his juice box because he felt bad the I scraped my knee earlier at recess. Awe young love. Everyone stared at me as I drank the juice. I knew what they were thinks. "what" I ask innocently. Everyone laugh as the point to the juice. "Yeah I know what it does, but that not why I'm drinking it. Ya nasties." I say with a giggle. "Only Aurora would know why I like the juice" I say looking at her laughing. "Can we please know?" The boys said. I shrug. "Whatcha gonna do for the story?" I say with a smile. They all laugh and say we could get In-n -Out later. "okay" I say with a smile

After I explained the reason why I like pineapple juice, Jackson nudged Anthony. I roll my eyes and drink the juice. "So do you know what happened to the guy?" Sam asked. Last I heard he moved here last month" I say with a shrug. "What was his name?" Josh asked. "Andrew" I say simply. The nod and all talk with each other, until Sam suggested Truth or Dare.

Everyone sat in a circle with a bottle in the middle. Jackson goes first, spinning the bottle, it lands on josh. "Truth or Dare Josh" Jackson says. "Truth" Josh says with a shrug. "Out of Payton, Anthony, and Sam, kiss marry kill" Jackson says with a smile. Josh laughs, answering with marrying Sam, kissing Payton, and killing Anthony. "Sorry Bro, you're too freaky for me" Josh says with a laugh. Anthony laughs shrugging it off. Josh spins the bottle, landing on me. "Truth or Dare Amelia" Josh asks. "Dare, Momma ain't raise no little bitch" I reply. josh laughs. "Do seven minutes in heaven with Payton. "Okay, but I ain't doing nothing, I got my eye on someone thank you very much." I say standing up going to the closet. "who is the dude?" Payton asks, genuinely curious. "You swear you won't say anything?" I say with an eyebrow raised. He nods eager to hear the name.

"It's Anthony" I whisper. He smiles and starts to laugh. "Go figure" He says. "What you like about him?" He asks. "He is just so sweet and he does all this stuff for me and we just met 3 days ago, he beat the shit out of kyle for me, he is constantly here for me when I need someone to talk to." I say with a soft smile spreading across my face. Payton looked at me with a smile. "You like him a lot huh?" He asks. I nod, still smiling. I jump when the door opens, revealing Jackson. "Time's up, you two makeout?" He asks. I laugh, "No, me and payton are just friends" I say with a giggle. I go and sit in my spot again and spin the bottle. It lands on Chase. "Truth or Dare." I say. "Dare" I smirk and look at aurora. I motion for chase to come closer, whispering in his ear, "Do you have a girlfriend" He shakes his head no. My smile grew bigger. "Kiss Aurora" I say, crossing my arms. "French Style" I add. Aurora's face flushes. I look around and see Anthony holding a laugh. 

"Are you okay with this?" Chase asks. "If i wasn't would I be playing truth or dare with a bunch of hormonal boys?" She says with a smile. "true that" I say. Chase leans closer, as well as Aurora. Not long after, their lips meet, moving in sync, soon opening their mouths for tongue. They pull away and Aurora blushes HARD. I nudge her and she smiles at me. Chase's turn. He spins the bottle, landing on me again. "Ugh" I say. "truth or dare?" He says with a smirk. Uh oh. "Dare" I smirk back. "Alright well, there's gonna be a dare but question first." He says. "Would you rather kiss me or Anthony?" He asks. "Anthony" I reply. "Now here's your dare, Kiss him" he says with a smirk. I look at Anthony, grabbing his chin, going in straight away. My lips met his, immediately, sparks flew, and he kisses back. I kiss him for 30 seconds and pull away, sad that his soft lips were no longer on mine. I bit my lip, turning towards everyone. Eye's wide, they stare at me. "What" I ask. "You took it like a champ, no consent or anything." Sam says. "i look towards Anthony. "Were you okay with me kissing you Ant?" I ask with a soft smile. "How about you do it again with my consent?" He says. "which is yes" I shrug and kiss him again. Lasting for another 30 seconds. I pull away.

"Momma ain't raise no bitch" I smirk looking at everyone.

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