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~Amelia's POV~

"Momma ain't raise no bitch" I smirked

Anthony smiled at what I said, everyone else shocked. "But you said you had your eye on someone?" Jackson said. I turn to Anthony, "Anthony Reeves, I like you" I say bluntly with a smile. He grins as he looks at me. "Amelia Martir, would you like to be my girlfriend?" Anthony says. I smile. "Yes" I say. Everyone laughs as I curl up next to his chest. 

We continue playing when Vereena calls me. I get up, looking at my phone. "Hello" I say after answering the call. "Hey Amelia! Guess what?" She says excited. "What?" I say with a giggle. "I'm in LA for the next few months" She says. "Oh my god! Seriously?" I say with a huge smile. Everyone looks at me confused. "I'm on my way to your house" She says before hanging up. "Who was that?" Anthony says with a smile. "My friend Vereena, she's here for a few months. I haven't seen her in two years." I say with a smile. "I'm so recording your reactions" Aurora states. I smile and laugh softly. 

The doorbell echoes throughout the whole house. Jackson gets up, and answers the door. "Vereena!" I yell as I run and hug her. We hug for a few minutes as I cry. "I missed you so much" I say as my head lays on her shoulder. "I missed you too" She says with a smile. We separate from each other and head to the living room, Jackson and Aurora following. "I really like her Anthony" Chase says. I raise an eyebrow as we walk in. "Guys" I say. Everyone turns around. "This is Vereena, Vereena, this is Chase, Anthony, Payton, Sam, Josh, Jackson, and you know Aurora." I say simply. She nods. "Nice to meet you all" she says with a huge smile. "You too" Everyone says, some in sync and some after the others. 

"Do you guys want to sleep here? I can get air mattresses, and put them in here so we all can watch a movie." I say. Everyone nods but chase. "Chase how about you?" I ask. "Can we talk? Alone?" He asks, annoyance obviously in his tone. I nod and we got upstairs to my room. I close the door and look at chase. "What's up?" I ask with a frown. "I like you Amelia, like a lot but you like Anthony." He says. I look at his glossy eyes. "Chase, I can't do that to Aurora" I say in a whisper "or Anthony" I finish. "Aurora likes you chase, I can't do that to the girl I grew up with. I just can't." I say with hurt. I hurt him. "I know Amelia, I know you can't be with me but please. Please be my bestie? At the least?" He says, a tear rolling down his face. I wipe it off and look at him, "Of course." I say, pulling my hand away from his face, and hugging him. He hugs back and nods.

"Come on, let's go watch a scary movie so Aurora can cuddle next to you?" I say but it comes out more as a question. "Okay, I have to admit, i have some feelings for Aurora so okay, let's go" He says and gets up, skipping out of my room, down the stairs and into the living room. I laugh and get the mattresses from a close I put them in and take the downstairs, getting the pump also. I walk in, seeing Anthony looking at Chase with a glare. "Anthony come help me please" I ask. He nods and walks up to me. "So what happened upstairs?" He asked with jealousy. It's cute on him. "You're cute when you're jealous" I say with a giggle. "Nothing happened, he told me about his feelings, and I told him I couldn't do it to you, or Aurora." I said looking at him. Relief washed over himself. "Okay" He says, kissing my forehead. We finish with the mattresses and set them down.

We made a huge bed, all gathering together, some on the couch, others on the bed. Me and Anthony were on the couch. "What movie?" Josh says, looking through Netflix. "You guys choose a scary movie." I say, looking at my phone. I text Diego telling him all of my friends were staying. He replied with a quick okay and that he staying at Jesse's house. I tell him okay and put my phone on the coffee table. I cuddle up next to Anthony and look to see we are watching Halloween. We watch it and I jump at the sudden transitions to see Michael Myers. Anthony's arms drapes over my waist, holding it firm, kissing my forehead, and moves his eyes back to the movie.

My eyes struggled to stay open, as I felt tired. "go to sleep babygirl, I can tell your tired" Anthony whispers in my ear. I nod and lay my head on his chest. (The way the are laying is Anthony is flat on the couch, and Amelia is laying next to him/ kind of on top of him?) I drift asleep, letting the darkness consume me.

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