what the hell?

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~Amelia's POV~

I walk out of the bathroom, seeing the girl, named Lila supposedly next to Anthony. She turns around, seeing me. Chase and Aurora must've left for breakfast. "What the fuck are you doing in here?" I say. Anthony slowly wakes up. "I'm sitting next to my boyfriend" She says with a smile. The fuck? Anthony sits up immediately at her voice. "Lila?" He asks confused. "Yes baby" She says turning around. "What the fuck are you doing, we broke up? Get the hell out" He says. She stands up, huffing, and running out of the room. I laugh. 

"You got with a crazy one" I say with a smile. "I'm sorry you had to see her again baby" He says with guilt. I sit down next to him. "Hey, it's okay" I say with a smile. "I don't deserve you" He mumbles. I kiss his head, "You deserve me just as much as anyone would" I say. He gets up, grabbing some clothes. "I'm gonna get in the shower, go to your room and get ready, don't do you're makeup though" He says. "Why?" I ask. "Cause you don't need the makeup, you're gorgeous either way" He says, walking into the bathroom. I get up and walk out of the room, going into mine. Sam and Vereena cuddled together in one bed. I smile softly, going to my bag. I grab my clothes, going into the bathroom and getting ready.

I walk out of the bathroom, putting my dirty clothes in a bag. "Where did you stay last night?" Sam investigated. "Anthony's room" I say. "You guys back together?" He asks. I nod. "Did I make the right decision getting back together with him?" I ask.

~Anthony's POV~

I walked up to her door, noticing it was cracked. As I was about to push her door open, I heard her talking. "Did I make the right decision getting back together with him?" Her voice says, laced with confusion. "Yes Amelia, he makes you happy, and you love him. Don't regret what you did because of one mistake he made. He loves you and we both know that." Sams voice says. "Okay" She says. I knock on the door, which is opened seconds after knocking. "Hey man, she's getting her wallet" He says. I nod and wait for her. "You heard the conversation didn't you?" He asks, studying my face. I nod slowly. "Appreciate her Anthony, I think she's just confused on what others will think." He says. I say okay, and Amelia appears. "Hey Baby" She says with a smile. I grin at her. "Have her back by 2, she has to perform at 5" Sam says. I nod and we walk off.

As we walked, I debated on whether I should grab her hand or not. I decided to hold it. I laced our fingers together, walking outside. We ran into a few fans, taking pictures, and going to the car. We approach our car (That we were renting out) when we notice a girl standing there. It was Madi. "Hi!" She says with a huge smile. "Hi" Me and Amelia said. Madi gave a weird look to Amelia then looked at me with a grin. "Hey Anthony" She says, twirling her hair. "It's nice to see you but we have to go" I say. "May I join?" She asks. I give her a weird look. I open my mouth to speak when Amelia beats me. "Actually you can't sorry, we have a breakfast date and I rather spend it together. Alone" She says emphasizing alone. "Too bad, I'm joining" She says, opening the back door I had just unlocked along with all of the other doors. She steps into the car, and sits. I roll my eyes and look at Amelia. She's mad. "Hey it's fine, let's go eat, and ignore her." I whisper to her, she looks at me with a weak smile.

I open the passenger door, to see Madi sitting there. "Get the fuck out of my seat" Amelia is pissed. Shit. "Madi, get out, we hooked up over a year ago once. Stop acting like we have something" I say, annoyed. Amelia grabs her arm, pulling her out of the car and pushing her away from us. Amelia gets into the car. I close the passenger door, locking all door, and rushing around to the front. Amelia unlocks it and I open it. I sit down and start the car. 

We drive off to a nice little restaurant. We begin to eat when the group chat texts us.

Larray: Listen girlies, I need food so I'm going to the place you're eating at

Sam: Same, Amelia our room will be all your tonight to make it up to you, me and Vereena will sleep in Anthony's room.

Vereena: Please bestie? We're hungry

Aurora: ^

Issa: Yall, they're trying to have a romantic breakfast.

Babygirl: It's okay guys, and Sam we'll take your offer. 

My blue eyed boy: What Lia said.


My blue eyed boy: Sorry Diego from Dora, I'm using it.

Diego: Rood.

Zoe: Can me and Cody Join? 

Babygirl: Yes!

Hannah Banana: Me and Elmo are joining.

Sesame Street Headass: I never agreed but ok.

Pay: Me, Jack, and Josh are on the way. 

Internet Slut (EBOY): Me and Aurora are also.

Avani: Can I go? I'm all alone

Babygirl: AVANI, OFC BBY

My blue eyed boy: K we're gonna have our romance for the next 5 minutes before you all get here. 

Through Thick and Thin|| Anthony ReevesWhere stories live. Discover now