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~2 weeks later in Amelia's POV~

I woke up to birds chirping. I immediately hop out of bed and run into the bathroom with a pair of clothes.

"Bye Diego" I say, hugging him for the 5th time. "Jesse, I am going to monitor you like a fucking hawk" I say, pointing at Jesse. He raises his hands and laughs. "I love you" I say to Diego one last time. He says it back and I head off to my gate.

I land and get off of my plane. I go to baggage claim and get my suitcase. I look outside and see the city of Denver. I see the tour bus and walk towards it. First person I see is Chase and Jackson. "Chasey" I yell, catching both of there attention. I let go of my stuff and tun to them, hugging them both. "I missed you guys" I say in their shoulders. "Missed you too" they say in sync. I let go of the hug and grab my suicase. I walk to the tour bus and see Cynthia, Jaden, Noen, and Payton. I hug them all. and sit down by Jackson. "I'm so tired" I say, yawning. "You can lay on my shoulder to sleep" Jackson offers. I accept and lay my head down.

As I slept, i felt something up my nose. I scrunch my nose ip and open my eyes, yawning. "Okay but when I do that I look stupid, when you do it looks fucking amazing" Cynthia says, groaning. I laugh softly but stop when I hear his voice. Damn forgot he was gonna be here. "Where's chase?" I ask. "Over there with Noen" Cynthia days pointing to Noen and Chase. I nod and sit up, walking and sitting next to chase. "Have you talked with Aurora?" I ask. Chase looks down at his hands. "We got together 4 days after you left, but a week ago we broke up." Chase says sadly. "If you don't mind me asking what happened?" I ask. "She cheated" Noen says. Hatred was filled in his voice. "oh- Im'm so sorry chase" I say hugging him. He laid his head in the crook of my neck. We sat like this until I heard a loud scoff. I turn and see Anthony. I toll my eyes and get up, going to get my phone. I grab it and sit back down next to chase. "So reeves, you just gonna continuously stare at me like I killed your mom or are you gonna  say something" I say looking up from my phone to him with an eyebrow raised. "Exactly, turn the fuck around before I make you turn around" I say harshly. He furrows his brows in confusion. Everyone look at me like I was crazy. "Can everyone stop staring at me? Where are we headed now?" I ask chase going off topic. "Nebraska to pick up Josh and Sam" Chase says with a smile. "Okay" I say, looking at my phone.


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AmeliaMartir: bare face

View 8,384 other comment

samhurley: can't wait to see you!

~Ameliamartir: me either sammy!

aurorasmith: text me!

~ameliamartir: k.

joshrichardss: I can't wait to see you! I'm sorry how I acted the last time I saw you.

~Ameliamartir: It's okay josh, I can't wait either!

Zarbruh: stunning

~AmeliaMartir: have you seen yourself handsome?

fan: omg they're flirting online, shippp

luvanthony: ur beautiful.

I was confused to why anthony commented but I brushed it off. I text aurora as she asked, not really wanted to speak to her anymore.

Bestie: k aurora what'd you want to text me about?
princess aurora: why so harsh?
Bestie: you cheated on chase aurora! I refuse to be friends with someone that hurt my friend. Im sorry and the past 14 years were fun with you but people change, and you did. The fame got to you.
princess aurora: i didnt cheat on chase, when he found me with a guy hugging him, he jumped to conclusions. I was with a party planner to celebrate chase hitting 1 mil on instagram. I would never do that to Chase Amelia! I love him, I was planning on telling him at his party, but he lashed out at me and said we were done.
Bestie: so you didn't cheat? at all whatsoever?
princess aurora: no, i just was planning a party with an old friend thats a party planner snd chase jumped to conclusions.
Bestie: Im sorry for not believing you, its just everyone said we don't talk about it.
princess aurora: its fine Lia, can you show chase the conversation so he knows? please he blocked me on everything, i miss him.
Bestie: okay.

I tapped chase's shoulder, earning a groan since he's asleep. "Chase, it's important" I say.He sits up and looks at me. I show him my phone, and he reads the conversation. He hands me back my phone and gets on his, unblocking aurora.

I scrolled through tik tok before leaning my head on chases's shoulder and falling asleep.

I was jerked forward, making my hit my head on the seat in front of me. "Ow" I say rubbing my forehead. I look out the window, seeing sam and josh. I get up swiftly, running out of the bus and into sam with a big hug. "I miss you" I squeal. I let go of the hug, and turn to Josh awkwardly standing there. I open my arms for hug, which he accepts. "I forgive you Josh, don't worry about it" I say with a smile. We all head back onto the bus, talking about what has happened since we all saw eachother. "I asked Vereena out" Sam says. I smile widely. "But." He says sadly. I immediately stop smiling. "She said no, I guess she got a boyfriend after we separated" Sam says with a sad look. "Awe sammy" I say, giving him a big hug. "I'm sorry" He sits down in the seat next to me. We ended up making tik toks together on our way to Omaha, Nebraska. (I'm putting in some unpopular cities in the tour because they don't get enough appreciation so put your city and state and i'll add it in the tour, i will delete the comment if you want so your info is not online after it is added)

We arrive at the hotel. Everyone piles out of the bus, heading to the front desk. There was a young woman at the desk. She looks up from the computer, immediately blushing. Probably from how many attractive teenagers were in-front of her. She started to stare at me. I smile sweetly. "Hi we have 3 rooms under *whatever*" I say. "Are they prepaid rooms" She says, biting her lip. What the hell? I brush it off and look at her. "Yes they are" I say. She nods, giving us 6 room keys, 2 for each room. We all take a set. The boys walk off, leaving me with my things. "Are you single" The girl asks. oh my god. i'm so stupid. "No im not actually, im sorry" I say, feeling bad about lying. "I don't see your boyfriend" She says. "Because he's not here, im here for tour, he is back home. And i'm happy with him so please, be respectful about that" I say, turning around.

Anthony stood there, flustered. I roll my eyes and motion for him to walk with me. "Boyfriend?" He asks, jealous clear as day. "Chill. I'm not bi, just said that so she wouldn't hit on me anymore" I say. "So your single?" He asks, looking at me. "Yes reeves, very much but I don't know what me and Troy are classified as" I say. He nods, looking down. "I know you saw my comment on your live Amelia"

Through Thick and Thin|| Anthony ReevesWhere stories live. Discover now