Confusion at its finest

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~Amelia's POV~

I stirred awake for a few minutes before looking at the time. 7:19. Anthony's Arm was on my waist, holding my close to his chest. I wiggle a little, trying to get out of his hold but failed. "Ant, I need to shower" I say quietly. To my surprise, he let's go.

I grab my clothes, going into the bathroom. I start the shower, pulling my hair tie out of my hair. Stripping out of my clothes, i threw them into a corner, walking into the shower.

I walk out of the shower, drying off and getting into my clothes for the day. I put my dirty clothes in my backpack (She brought it for her dirty clothes specially) I brush my hair, throwing it into a ponytail. I grab my makeup bag, doing my makeup swiftly.

I kiss Anthony's cheek, before walking out of the hotel. I text him quickly, telling him I went to get food. I jump in the uber, going to Ihop for food. The uber drops me off, speeding off in another direction. I walk inside and see Aurora. "Amelia!" She squeals. I hug her saying hi. "What are you doing in Ohio?" I ask. "I came to visit my grandma" She says. I nod and she walks up to the register. After ordering she turns to me. "What are you doing here?" She asks. "There was a show yesterday" I say. She nods and sits down at a table. I order while she waits for me. When I'm done, i sit down next to her. "So you and Anthony again?" She teases. I laugh and nod. "I missed him. He always made me feel so loved, Troy did that too of course but the way he reacted to Anthony'y comments, he called me my mother. Even after he said no. I don't get it Rory, (Her nickname) he seemed to like me and all but as soon as Anthony pops back up, he was upset. He said he couldn't trust me on tour so he couldn't imagine home" I say looking at my hands. "Listen Mila, Troy just got jealous. Think about it, Anthony was your ex at the time. Now he isn't, think about what Troy thought. He probably didn't think you liked him since you and Anthony were on good terms." She says. I nod, understanding where she was coming from. "Still Rory, he shouldn't have related me to my mother, who cheated on my dad with her ex." I say. She nods, agreeing with me. "Order 87" A woman yells. I get up and claim my food, I hug Aurora, walking out of the Ihop, hopping into the uber i called 5 minutes ago.

I open the hotel room, walking inside and setting our food on the table. I walk over to Anthony, softly shaking him. "Baby" I whisper. He groans in response. "I got food, come on" I whispers. "Okay give me a sec" He says in a raspy voice. I nod and walk over to Josh. I grab a pillow, hitting him with it. "Get up Richards" I say. He hums in response. "UP LAZY ASS" I yell, hitting him again. He falls off the bed, landing of the floor. "OW" He yelps. "I got food" I say, walking off. "Why isn't Anthony up yet?" Josh says pointing to Anthony. I walk up to Anthony, softly nudging his shoulders. "Get up" I groan. "Fine" He says in a raspy voice, again. He stands up and goes through the bag, grabbing a stack of pancakes, syrup, and an orange juice. Josh gets the same things. Leaving me a burrito and orange juice. I grab them and sit at the table. "So, you guys a couple again?" Josh points between us. "How'd you know?" I ask. "Don't think I didn't notice the hickey's on your neck" Josh says, pointing to my neck. I groan and glare at Anthony. Anthony laughs, taking a bite of his pancakes. I roll my eyes and continue eating, ignoring the boys conversation

I throw away all of our trash. I sit on our bed, going on my phone. I scroll through tik tok, Instagram, etc. Anthony jumps on the bed. "We all should go somewhere" Anthony groans. Josh nods in agreement. "How about the amusement park down the road?" I suggest. They all nod in excitement. "I'll go to the suite to yell at them to get up" I say, standing up. "you two, get ready" I say, pointing to the both of them. I walk out of the room.

I knock on the door, waiting patiently in front of the door. A blonde boy opens the door. "Who are you?" He asks rudely. "Is the boys in there?" I ask. He gives me a confused look. "Chase Hudson, Jackson felt, and more of them" I say. "Oh sorry, yeah they're in here" He says, opening the door more. "I'm Drayke, I just got here a while ago for the rest of the tour" I nod and continue walking. I see all the boys scattered around the room. "GET UP!" I yell. Everyone jumps. "What the hell Amelia" Payton groans. "Get up fools, we're going to the amusement park." I say. Everyone jumps up. There's 3 bathrooms in the suite so, Payton, Sam, and Jaden go first. I get a text from Anthony saying they're both done with getting ready. "Hey, one of you guys can use mine, josh's, and ant's hotel." I offer. Griffin grabs his clothes, going to my room. Now there was only Chase, Noen, and Jackson. They all go to the game room to wait. I'm left with Drayke. "So.." He says, looking at me. "You single?" He asks, checking me out inch by inch. "Yeah" I say. "No" I finish, resulting in Drayke's smile fading. Chase pops his head into the room. "WHO" He squeals. All 3 boys rush out of the game room. I groan. "If you haven't realized, who was left alone with me last night" I hint. Chase jumps up and down. "FINALLY" He squeals. Noen joins in, jumping with chase. "I'm happy for you Amelia" Jackson says with a smile. "Thank you" I say. Anthony appears in the room. "DAMN" I geek over him. Anthony smiles. I walk over to him, hugging him tightly. Drayke stared at me intensely

We all met up at the amusement park, buying our passes and going inside. "I wuv you" I say in a baby voice, looking at Anthony. "I love you too" He says, kissing me. "Get a room" Chase groans. "Hey! Not my fault Aurora isn't here for you to kiss" I tease. Everyone laughs and we go on a bunch of rides. "Amelia Martir" Someone says. I turn around and see...


Ha, I left y'all with a cliffhanger. Anywayys, wanted to let you all know that now that school is starting, I won't be able to post as much chapters as I do, BUT when I do, they will be long chapters, BUT do y'all want smut, cause I can try and do that but I'll cringe so I won't go FULL detail. Also, I know it's the first Author's note in the book but I figured why torture you guys with a bunch of bs that doesn't really say much, BUT I want to thank you all for 12K reads! Wtf, I did not expect this much love for something I thought of a threw together. BUT I'LL SHUT UP BUT AGAIN THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH FOR THE LOVEEE <3

~Mariah <3

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