Worst Day

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~Amelia's POV~

The next morning I woke up to someone talking. I open my eyes and see Anthony on the phone. "It's your mom and dad" He mouthed. I nod. "No ma'am, she's asleep right now and I really don't want to wake her up." They were talking back and forth, soon enough Anthony hangs up. "What were they wanting?" I ask. "For you to go home. It's urgent i guess" He says with a frown. "Oh" I say. I get up and grab my outfit, hopping into the shower.

I get out of the water, drying myself off, and dressing into my outfit. I walk out and see Anthony looking through my phone. "You weren't going to tell me, were you?" He asks with sadness. I frown and look at my shoes. "Were you Amelia?" He asks raising his voice. I shake my head. He abruptly stands up and walks out of the room.

I walk out and see Aurora. "He found out." I say sadly. "You don't have a choice, you're parents are moving away from each other, even if your dad left 12 years ago, and then he came back and they tried to stay together for you guys but you and Diego have to go with you dad to New Mexico. He has family there, and your mom emotionally abuses you Lia, you need to go with your dad." Aurora says hugging me. "I think I'm gonna get emancipated" I say looking at her.

"I love my parents but they have constantly hurt me. They favorite Diego. I'm just left to the side, even if I'm oldest. I may be successful but I can't live with people who treat me like shit" I say. "Yeah I remember the lake and the fair when we were 14. They talked down to you and you couldn't even talk for an hour" She says, giving me a sad look.

That day was possibly the worst days of my life. My mother had wanted to take a picture, and I refused. At the time I was struggling with self love. I never wanted to take pictures, I just wanted to be out of them. My mother got angry because of this. She yelled at me, saying I ruin every trip we've ever done. We left the fair soon after, and went to a nearby pizza restaurant. When we sat down, my whole family had went to play the giant connect 4. I sat down and stared at my hands the whole time they played, then my mother sat beside me. She was still upset at what had happened. She then yelled at me stating that I ruin things for them with my attitude and that we can never do anything fun. Her words still ring in my head. "You ruin everything for us. ever since you were born you have" Her words never left my ears. We got back to the hotel we were staying at and I had wanted to go to bed, so I did. The next day we left for the lake. When we got there my mom lashed out at me twice, once because I wanted to help with the boat, and the second I don't recall why. But it ended up with me crying my eyes out. At the time, I wasn't medically diagnosed with depression but I knew I wasn't okay. I constantly thought about cutting, or anything self harm in that matter. I cried a lot, and eventually my father asked what was wrong. I let out all of my tears, and started hiccuping. He grew impatient with me, so I just told him some things are not meant to be told to parents. I tried so hard to tell him I have tried to kill myself. But nothing came out other then sobs. He yelled at me about how I neglect my mother and that I should just go back the the campsite. I didn't leave, but I didn't necessarily felt welcome. So when we left that same day, I slept for the rest of the night, and the whole next day. I didn't eat for 2 days. I was never that hurt that bad.

"Lia" Aurora says, taking me out of my thoughts about my parents. I didn't realize I was crying until Chase hugged me tightly. I sobbed, not caring who saw me. "I'm gonna go home" I say, pulling away from chase. "What why?" Jackson asked. "I'm gonna go to court to get emancipated, and try and get custody of Diego." I say. I open my hotel room, getting my luggage and my things, and walking out. "I don't have the heart to talk to Anth-"

I was soon cut off from a cough. I look at Anthony. "I'm going home" I say, looking at him. Nothing. No expression. "I don't care, not the first time you were gonna leave without telling me." He scoffs. "Fuck you" I say, walking off. I stop and turn around. "I was gonna get emancipated so I didn't need to leave. But you showed me who you are. So Anthony Reeves, we're over" I say, turning back around and walking to the elevator. I see it closing so I yell. "Hold it open please" I yell, running to the elevator. It opens, showing Payton. I just realized he wasn't with everyone. "Where are you going?" He asks, looking at my things. "I'm going home to get emancipated and get custody of Diego." I say looking at him. I smile weakly. He notices my tear stained face and hugs me. "I don't think I will be seeing you guys anytime soon." I say with a frown. The elevator opens and we walk to some seats in the lobby. "Do me a favor and text everyone to go to the Airport, except Anthony, I don't want to be around him" I say. "What why?" He asks. I never told him. "We broke up, he got mad because if I don't get emancipated then I move to New Mexico with my Dad and Diego." I say. My uber pulls up. "I need to go" I say giving him a hug.

"Bye Payt" I say, walking away. "Bye Lia" He says faintly. I put my things in the back and turn to Payton. Everyone was talking with him. Anthony stared at me. I roll my eyes and open the car door, looking back one more time. I sit down, and start closing my door. "Wait-" Someone says before I close the door. "Ma'am someone is at your door." The man says, looking at me through the rear view mirror. " It's okay sir, please drive" I say. He nods and drives away from the convention center.

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