not who i thought it was

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~Anthony's POV~

Aurora stood by Lia. Lia was still unconscious. I swear, it was Lia's voice who'd said hi to me but i was wrong.

I frowned and looked down, saying hello and sitting back down.

"Can I talk to Anthony?" Aurora said.

everyone left the room, going to get everyone food. I stared at the ceiling, not focusing on anyone or anything.

Then, there was weight put on my lap. My head perks up, seeing aurora sitting on my lap, biting her lip.

"You know, you're way out of Lia's league" she spoke.

I was frozen, stunned.

I stared at her, then at her hands as they trailed down my chest.

~Lia's POV~

My head ached. I heard everything everyone had said to me, but only at a high tone, almost yell even.

I forced my eyes open, getting used to the light of the sun outside.

I look around, regretting it immediately.

My bestfriend, on my ex's lap.

Her hand trailed down his chest, when he grabbed her hand agressively.

"Stop Aurora, before you do something stupid" His voice was weak, but firm.

But she didn't stop.

Then chase walked in.

"What The fuck?"

Heartbroken. His head lowered. "Aurora get the fuck out"

"No, she's still my bestfriend"

That made me angry.

"No, you're not"

My voice was so dry, and it ached to speak.

All their heads turned to me. Chase ran out of the room, i would assume to get everyone else.

Anthony stood there, a huge grin on his face.

My arms flee open, embracing for a hug. Then i was hugged, but not by Anthony.

By Aurora.

I pushed her off, motioning Anthony to hug. He hugged me.

"Dont ever fucking do that to me again"

"Well Ant, I can't make any promises but i'll try." I said, kissing his cheek.

Everyone piled inside the room, giving me hugs over and over. Then came Troy. He sadly looked at me. I open my arms, embracing his hug. In return, i never got it.

He stood there, and didn't take my hug.

"I can't hug you Amelia" He said, his voice cracking.

"Because this is all my fault"

"This is not your fault Troy. I'm glad you weren't there to see what happened. I don't blame you bub." I said softly, grabbing his hand and pulling him into my arms.

"I don't blame you"

✿ ✿ ✿

"Ant, I'm fine!" I say as I walked to the car.

Anthony stood beside me, supporting me incase i fell.

we got into the car, turning on some music and heading back to my house.

Diego and Anthony sat next to me, while Chase was driving and Troy was in passenger.

"Are the others going to my house to meet up?"

"Yeah, don't worry Lia"

I simply nodded, putting my head on ant's shoulder and slowly drifting into slumber.


I'm so sorry guys, i know im slacking a ton and im trying to stay on top of it. School's been pretty stressful but i am trying!

Through Thick and Thin|| Anthony ReevesWhere stories live. Discover now