Ice cream?

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~Amelia's POV~

Me and Diego walked out of the mall, heading to my car. When I see something on top of my car. We get into the car and drive off. "I'm gonna play some Rex Orange County" Diego says. I shrug and tell him to play chateau by blackbear after the first song.

As I drive, we talk about random things. "So, what's up with these pictures with ms. "We're married and pregnant but its for awareness" I say. Diego gives me a confused look. "Danielle Cohn?" I say with a laugh. "Oh, we're only hanging out really because I'm gonna be in her new songs music video." He says with a shrug. "Okay, just saying, make sure you being payed enough, that's gonna blow out of proportion into a "scandal" I say, quoting scandal. Diego scrolls through Instagram when his face drops from his small smile. "what?" I ask, confused on why he was frowning.

I pull into our parking spot, turning off the engine. "what?" I repeat. "Don't look at the post fans are tagging you in" Diego says, looking at me. He was angry, furious maybe. I raise a brow and open Instagram, instantly regretting my curiosity.


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chasekeith, notnoen, and 634,368 others liked.

luvanthony: mine 🔐
👥: priscillahazell
View 51,395 other comments.
xlilhuddy: i mean it's cute or whatever..
notnoen: shes really nice!
fan: @notnoen not as good as @ameliamartir
notnoen: i was closer with amelia, thats the only reason why i agree.
priscillahazell: and your mine❤️
fan2: @ameliamartir
hater: @ameliamartir
ameliafan: @ameliamartir
ameliamartir: Can everyone please stop tagging me? Anthony deserves to be getting support about his new relationship and im sure he doesnt like seeing his comments tagging me.
ameliamartir: Congratulations Ant
luvanthony: @ameliamartir thank you lia.

As i scrolled through the comments, i only saw a few people being happy for him, others were upset that he was no longer with me, or i was being tagged constantly. Anthony replied by with a simple thank you. It hurt not gonna lie, but some things dont work out, he deserved to be happy. That's all I want him to be, Happy.

I turned off my phone, going upstairs to my room. "Diego, I'm going skating" I yell. I hear a simple okay and head to the skate park. When I arrive, I run into Troy. "Hey" I say with a smile. "Hey, how have you been?" He asked with concern. "I've been doing really good. "How was court?" He asked, looking at me. I explain everything and he was glad that I didn't have to move, nor would Diego have to live with either of them.

Time flew by quickly, since it was now sunset. "Ya know, Anthony had something really special" Troy says. "He found the needle in a haystack, but lost it" Troy says. "That was so corny" I say, scrunching my nose. "Don't do that" Troy says looking at me. "Why? It bother you?" I tease, doing it again. "Nope, just makes me want to kiss you more" He says bluntly. I laugh. "You have no filter T" I say, smiling wide. "It's the truth. You're making it really hard not to kiss you, but since you just got out of a relat-" I cut him off, pushing my lips to his.

I pull away, smiling at him, and looking into his hazel eyes. "You wouldn't shut up" I say just above a whisper. He smiles kissing my forehead. "Wanna go get ice cream?" I say. He nods and we walk off, skateboards in hand.


xlilhuddy, diegomartir, jesseunderhill, and 476,274 others liked

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xlilhuddy, diegomartir, jesseunderhill, and 476,274 others liked.

Zarbruh: When you want ice cream after running into a cutie🤭
👥: ameliamartir
View 67,826 other comments
ameliamartir: im paying
Zarbruh: @ameliamartir you are not
xlilhuddy: get my some cookie dough flavor!
iitspayton: i want some!
notnoen: i would say i want some but chase and payton beat me to it.
luvanthony: ..
fan: ship
fan2: 🚢
shipper: this is cute.

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