Im fine

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~Amelia's POV~

The girl instantly fights back, trying to run at me multiple times. "You okay?" Jaden asks from beside me. I nod and continue with the show.

Anthony screamed at the top of his lungs to the songs that played. We all sang, danced, made tik toks. It was truly amazing. Soon enough, the show had to end and we were on our way to springfield, illinios.

As the bus drove, me and Jaden talked. Most of the time though, i talked with Anthony. We were speaking like we were friends. like nothing happened between us. It felt nice. Of course I missed him, but what can I do?

My phone started to ring while Anthony was talking to me. "One sec" I say, getting up and walking to the very back of the bus. I look at who called, it was an unknown number. Suddenly Troy's ID and picture appeared. I immediately answer. "Hey!" I say cheerfully. "Hey" he said, bothered. "What'a wrong?" I say, my smile disappearing. "So.. you and Anthony are talking again" he says. "No! No! not like that at all. We're starting to talk as friends again." I say. "Yeah whatever" Troy says rudely. As I was about to speak, he hung up. Fucking aye. That's it.


fan1, aurorasmith, vereena, and 875,197 others likedameliamartir: Troy Zarba, would you like to be my boyfriend?👥: zarbruh📸: the girl who sent this to me after taking it in secret!View 71

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fan1, aurorasmith, vereena, and 875,197 others liked
ameliamartir: Troy Zarba, would you like to be my boyfriend?
👥: zarbruh
📸: the girl who sent this to me after taking it in secret!
View 71.296 other likes
fan1: omg i hope he says yes.
aurorasmith: damn. you got some major balls.
samhurley: @zarbruh
zarbruh: I would love to be your boyfriend.
xlilhuddy: aw!
luvanthony: congrats to you guys!

Soon enough, I got a call from Troy. I answer it with a hello. "I'm sorry, I'm just overthinking everything." He says. "I would love yo be your boyfriend Amelia Martir. but." He says, his voice going into a disappointing tone. "I cant. I'm moving to Missouri, and I can't do long distance. It's not that I wouldn't want to try but i cant see you, kiss you, or hold you. And because your on tour, im jealous enough. Imagine when your home and I'm not there. I don't want to do that and not be able to handle the fact that guys are gonna hit on you. It would hurt you cause it would seem like i dont trust you. and that's toxic" He says. I understood what he meant but it hurt. "Oh- okay" I say sadly. "I'm just gonna go" I say, hanging up.

I sat back down by Anthony. I go on instagram, taking down my post. I laid my head on Anthony's shoulder and stared at my hands. "What happened?" Anthony voice whispered. "He said no." I say, looking at him with a frown. "What? I thought he said yes? He commented yes?" He says. I shake my head. "He said he can't do long distance, since he's moving to Missouri" I say, laying my head down again and looking down. "Hey, It'll be okay. I'm sure he would have loved to be with you." He said, giving me a small smile. "He basically said he wouldn't be able to trust me. I know he didn't mean it in that way, but it came off like that." I say. He wraps his arm around my shoulder, giving me a hug. His chin stood on my head. I breathed in his cologne. I miss his hoodies. I missed everything about Anthony. But some things shouldn't continue.

My cheeks pushed into my gums as I stirred awake. "Stop poking my cheeks" I groan. "We're here, you can sleep in the hotel, come on." Anthony says. I nod and and stand up, losing my balance and struggles to stay up. "Got up to fast" I say as Anthony held my hand. He nods but his hands holds my hand. I get my things, not caring about his hand. We get off the bus, going inside to the front desk. We talked with the woman and she went to get her manager since she was having problems with the computer. Probably her first day.

She came back with another woman, but she seemed young for a manager. "Good evening" She says. We say hello and talk with her about our room. Everyone else from the bus is at he desk by now. The "manager" gave us our keys, but trust me I noticed how she constantly inched closer to Anthony as she stood infront of us. Everyone walks off, heading to our room. Me and Anthony follow, but keep a distance. We connected our hand together again and continue to walk. I miss this.

I miss everything about us. About him.

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