sad endings, new beginnings pt. 2

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the elevator door opened as we got to the 3rd floor. the elevator door opens revealing a beautiful girl, seeming to be the same age as me. i smiled kindly and looked at diego, who had obviously been checking her out. i giggle softly and look back down at my phone.

the girl walks into the elevator, standing next to me. out of the corner of my eye, i see her look me up and down, observing my style of clothing. "like what i'm wearing?" i say jokingly. she laughs softly and nods. "i love the outfit, comfortable looking might i say" she says with a smile. "im amelia" i say, holding my hand out. "im amara" she says, shaking my hand.her head then turns to diego. "and you are?" she points. "diego" he says quietly

"i dont suppose your on the run" she says with a raised eyebrow. I turn my head in confusion and look at the brunette. "thats a lot of bags for a vacation, it looks like you packed up your whole closet and left" she says pointing at mine and diegos luggage. I laugh softly. "we're drving over to south carolina" i say pointing in between me and diego. "where from?" she simply asks. "california" she nods as she watched the floor go higher. "im actually heading to south carolina tomorrow" she says. "really?" i say.

she nods and looks at her phone. the elevator door finally opens and diego gathers his things and walks to our room. "it was nice to meet you" i say, grabbing my things and walking out. "you too" the elevator door closed as i was about to say something.

grabbing my things, i head to the room and knock on our door. diego opens it and grabs my bag. i walk straight to the bed and lay down.

'hey lia?' i turn over to diego. i hummed in response too tired to talk. 'the boys are blowing up my phone' he hands me his phone and i looked at all his notifications. i shrugged and handed him his phone. i grab mine and decide to post on instagram. i might be trying to disappear but ill still post. i just wont interact with the boys or anyone i know.


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And like that, i went to bed.


this is the end everyone, i do realize that the story ends abruptly HOWEVER if you want a sequel i will do one. trust me i hate when i get into a book on the app and it ends abruptly but a lot has been happened and i have no motivation for this anymore. but like i said, if you want a sequel i will do one but it will not be as long.


Through Thick and Thin|| Anthony ReevesWhere stories live. Discover now