thats not okay.

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~Amelia's POV~

I turn off my phone, putting it in my pocket. I grabbed 3 silver chains, buying them. I walk out of the store, bumping into someone. "I'm so sorry" A girls voice said. I look up and see Haley Morales. "Oh great" I say, annoyed. She gives me a dirty look. "Bitch what the fuck you want" I say, grabbing my chains. "You got so much uglier" She scoffed. "And you became a murderer, what outcome is worse?" I ask with a smirk. She frowns. "I didn't kill anyone" She defends. I laugh.

"So saying someone is annoying to the point where YOUR fan pages are hating on her to the point where she kills herself?" I say in disgust. "You're an attention seeking bitch. You claimed Zoe drugged you, you get in MORE shit, THEN a fan of yours kills herself because of your hateful words and fan pages. I reach out to anyone who is hated on my my fan pages. You're a terrible person" I finish. I walk closely to her face. "You're disappointing" I say, slapping her and walking off.

I wall to the food stands, seeing the group. We all split up after the encounter with Ona and Brandon. Drayke immediately see's me, biting his lip. I roll my eyes and walk up to sam, talking with him. Anthony hugs me from behind.

The group left the amusement park, except for Drayke. Convenient. Note the sarcasm. I walked next to the blonde boy around the park. Trying to find a fan that was here. "So, why Anthony?" Drayke asks. I roll my eyes. "Because I love him" I reply, not focusing on him and trying to find Kenzie. Her picture was pulled up on my phone as I looked. "Love's a big word" He replies. He grabs my arm, making me stop. "Maybe you can stop loving him" He says, walking close to me.

What. The. Actual. Fuck. My breath hitches, getting flashbacks of Kyle. Shit. My breathing becomes uneasy. "Back up" A familiar voice yells. Troy? I stumble onto the floor. Tears fell, and I began screaming. People started to stare, making it worse. Some stopped to watch, others kept walking. My head wandered, moved vigorously as I cried. I panicked. Then. Troy sits in front of me. "Amelia" He panics. "Amelia, look at me. Look at me" He says calmly, but i knew he was loosing his shit. He grabbed me head, making me look at him. I stared into his eyes. His hazel eyes. "Breathe" He says softly. I did as he said.

I stared at the floor. I stopped crying, and and I was breathing normally. "Why the fuck would you do that!" Troy yells at Drayke. Drayke looked at me. "I didn't know! I don't know what the fuck she had a panic attack about but she needs to get some fucking help for it" Drayke yells. My head whips to him. I stand up and walk up to him. "And what about you! Huh? Do you always try and fuck all your friends girls or just me? You're fucking lucky I don't have the strength to punch you. I could've been hospitalized if Troy wasn't here. What would you have done? Huh! What" I yelled in his face, angry. He grew angry. "You're just any other slut, you got a bunch of guy friends and a boyfriend that's friend with them!" He yells. "I would never cheat on Anthony!" I scream. "Really? So why did Troy calm you down so quick?" He spat. All my strength built up from anger.

I punch him. Hard. "You don't fucking EVER get to jump to conclusions. I love both of them!" I yell. Well fuck. Troy's eyes widened. I ignored him. Drayke stared at me. I push him, walking out of the park. Troy followed, but I just kept walking. "Amelia-" I cut him off immediately. "What are you doing here" I spat. "Thanks for helping me with that, but I don't want to hear it. I have gone through enough shit today" I say, walking off to the bus station.

I sat at the bus stop, waiting for the bus to show up. I didn't go on social media. I didn't do anything really. Just sat there and stared at my phone screen and watched as my phone blew up with notifications and calls from the boys. I dozed off until my manager called. I answered it. "Hello" Her voice was angry. "Amelia Martir! If you go wandering off when the tour bus is supposed to to New Orleans, you will be fired." She spat. "And so what? I'm just supposed to take the heat and get crowded into the hype!" I scream. "Yes exactly, Micheal isn't happy about the stories he's heard about you" She says. I grew angry, knowing my photographer shouldn't be in this conversation. "Listen, I am your top model, fire me all you want. But i'm not gonna be harassed by one of the boys" I say, frustrated. "I have a boyfriend" I say before getting cut off. "And I am not fucking around anymore." I rolled my eyes.

I hung up. I probably just lost my job, but Vogue has contacted me many times. The bus finally arrived. I got on it, and sat down.

The bus stopped in front of the hotel, which just so happened to have a stop there. I got off, and walked to my room. If only I knew what was coming up.

I walked into the room, and there sat Troy, Drayke, and Anthony. I groan and sit down. "So you're trying to get a good fuck out of Troy and Drayke?" Anthony said. "And who told you that" I say, raising an eyebrow. "Drayke" I start to laugh. "Totally Anthony, because Drayke is so fucking amazing right?" I spat. "I had a fucking panic attack because of the prick Anthony" I yelled. His head perked up. "You didn't tell me that" Anthony said, looking to Drayke. "Did he also tell you he came so fucking close to me I got flashbacks of Kyle." I said. Drayke's face grew red, from anger. "He whispered to me that he could make me stop loving you" I said. "So what about Troy" Drayke said, with a smirk. "I love troy, as my friend. I may have had feelings for him before, but he turned me down." I snapped. "I only love Anthony in that way." I say, looking at Anthony. But he wasn't happy.

"Amelia, I love you too, but not in just a friend way" Troy said, looking down. "I can't Troy. You compared me to my mother. We can be friends, but strictly only friends" I say. Troy nods. "I'm okay with that" He says with a smile. "Drayke, get the fuck out" I say. Drayke gets up, walking out of the hotel. "So Zarba, what you doing here?" I ask, crossing my arms. "I lied about moving, I'm joining the tour." He says. I nod. "Okay well, I would like to spend some time with Anthony please?" I ask. Troy nods, walking out of the room.

here's you chapter, im sorry guys it took so long, i had registration and stuff for school but im trying to keep updating but this chapter has 1200 words so its way longer then the other since they only have 700-800 words. I hope you guys enjoyed it!


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