i loved you then and i love you now

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~3rd POV~

her breath stood easy and smooth, as her heart rate beeped every second.

Anthony hasn't slept, nor has he ate.

"Anthony" Jaden says, coming inside.

His head lifts from his hand, looking over to Jaden.

"It's been 3 weeks man, you need to eat and sleep." Jaden then sniffed, from the oder coming from Anthony.

He stepped closer to the light brown haired boy. He sniffed again, backing up and gagging.

"and a shower"

Anthony sighs, knowing Jaden is right.

"Watch her for me while I shower?" Anthony's voice said softly, but weak.

Jaden nods, sitting on the chair next to the girl.

Anthony stood up, stretching and walking into the connected bathroom.

~Jaden's POV~

he went into the bathroom, locking it.

soon the water turned on.

I stared at the girl, how could someone be so damaged? so hurt?

As i sat there, a knock booms through the room.

Chase enters the room, seeing no Anthony.

I began to hum as i just sat there, as well as chase.

"Her favorite song is Tongue Tied by Grouplove" He said.

"Sing to her"

I looked at him before looking back at Lia.

"Take me to your best friends house
Go around this roundabout, oh yeah
Take me to your best friends house,
I loved you then, I love you now, oh yeah

Don't make me tongue tied,
Don't wave goodbye,
Don't babe.

Oh take me to your best friends house,
Marmalade, we're making out, oh yeah
Take me to your best friends house,
I loved you then, I love you now

Don't make me tongue tied,
Don't wave goodbye,
Don't Babe

One, Two, Three, Four

Don't leave me tongue tied,
Let's stay up all night,
I'll get real high,
Slumber Party, Pillow fight

My eyes on your eyes,
Like peter pan up in the sky,
My best friends house tonight,
Let's bump the beat till beddy- bye

Don't take me tongue tied,
Don't wave no goodbye,
Don't take me tongue tied,
Don't kiss me goodnight

Take me to your best friends house,
Go around this roundabout, oh yeah
Take me to your best friends house,
I loved you then and I love you now, oh yeah-"

Suddenly, I was interrupted.

A gasp.

Chase's eyes were almost out of his head.


He was speechless. "She gripped my hand-"

He smiled widely.

"Lia, hey you can get through this okay? Please just one more squeeze?"

And there it was again. A squeeze.

Her head began to move slowly, and her eyes moved frantically.

~Anthony's POV~

I got out of the shower, changing into a pair of basketball shorts and a shirt. I brushed my teeth real good before grabbing my clothes and throwing them into the hamper. I open the bathroom door walking out.

"Hi ant"

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sorry guys never thought i would be doing the vote things but i need to know if you guys want more so i can just end off the book if not. 

anyways i hope you enjoyed the chapter💞

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