Oh my god

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~Amelia's POV~

Today's the day we leave for Vidcon. Ever since Anthony posted about our relationship, he's been very protective. Kyle has popped up more than I had every seen him in our whole relationship, but Anthony always there. Except for once, Kyle tried to touch my, you know what but I punched him. Ever since the morning at Ihop, I have been taking lessons on how to punch. Which is very helpful. Me and Troy have gotten really close with each other, Anthony isn't happy about it but what can he do? So that's basically what has happened in the past 4 days. Currently we are on our way to the airport.

I yawn to the sound of the soft music playing through the car's speakers. I lay my head on Anthony's shoulder, when it's violently pushed off. I look at him and see him looking out of the window. I try to do it again, but my head is pushed off again. I look at my hands and fidget with them. Why was he pushing me off of him? I continue to look at my fingers the rest of the car ride. 

My body is yanked forward. I open my eyes, seeing as the car is at a stop. I unbuckle my seat belt, getting out of the car. We all grab our suitcases from the trunk, handing the man some money along with thanking him, and walk inside the airport. I separate from the group with the girls and start talking with them. "I'm starting to really like Sam" Vereena blurts. My mouth drops. I collect myself and start squealing. "oh my god! Yes!" I say, jumping up and down. Vereena smiles, as well as aurora. Aurora laughed at my sudden boost in energy. We start walking towards the Dunkin Donuts, talking about the most random things. 

We get our coffee from the boy. I go to take a drink of my coffee, when I notice a phone number on my cup. I laugh as I show the girls. "As if" I say, continuing to walk towards our gate. We approach our gate, seeing the boys talking. We stand by the boys, joining there conversation when Anthony scoffs. I look at him and raise an eyebrow. "What's up with you?" I ask, interrupting the groups conversation. They all become quiet as they heard my voice. Anthony frowns and shakes his head. "I can't believe you" He simply says. "What'd I do?" I ask in confusion. "At least be secretive about it Amelia" Josh joins in. I raise an eyebrow at them. "what the fuck are you guys talking about?" I say. "The number Amelia, they're talking about the number" Payton says with a weird look on his face. "And?" The boys shake their heads. "You get a quickie when you get your coffee Amelia?" Anthony asks. 

The girls drop their mouths at the comment. "what the fuck?" Aurora says, angry. "Amelia would never. Especially if she's in a relationship with you Anthony" Vereena adds. I slap Anthony. "Glad to know what you really think of me Reeves" I say with disgust. "Gate 48 is now boarding" The intercom spoke. I grab my things, rushing off to the gate, the girls following. We board the plane. "Amelia you can take my seat with Jackson and Chase" Aurora offers. I nod since I really didn't want to see with Josh and Anthony. I sit in her seat, and she sits in mine. Jackson and Chase soon arrive, giving me a questionable look. They brush it off and sit, Jackson being on my left, and Chase on my right. They gave each other weird looks as if I couldn't see them. 

"You guys really think I would do that to him?" I say, my voice cracking. "No" Jackson says. Chase shuffles in his seat. "Wow, um ok" I mumble. "Look Amelia, the only reason why I believe it is because of the number on your coffee cup" Chase says. I roll my eyes. "Thank for believing I'm not a cheater Jack" I whisper. "I know you're not like that Amelia" he says. "Some guy put his phone on my cup when we were waiting for mine and aurora's drinks. That's the ONLY reason there was a number on my cup. I would never cheat on Anthony. For fuck sake I love him, and I haven't felt that in a long time." I say, looking at chase. Chase looks at me. "I love him Chase, now why would I throw that away from a 'quickie'? If I wanted that I would've dragged Anthony to the bathroom." I say, being truthful. Jackson starts to laugh. "Jesus Amelia. Now we know what will being going on when that happens" Chase says with a laugh. He hugs me. "I'm sorry for not believing you" He says. I nod and pull away.

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