boys night

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~Amelia's POV~

i didn't need him. I simply just wanted to be loved.

"Was that too much to ask for?" I vent off to Vereena the ft call. "Not at all" She says with a frown. "Lia I have to go to a doctors appointment but ill text you later?" She says, sadly. I nod and hang up.

My phone buzzes as I look out of the window. My manager was calling. I answer, saying a quick hello. "Amelia, now that lights out tour is done, I would like if you came back to the studio." She says. "Fine" I groan.

Jesse suddenly pops his head into the room. "Hey" He says, inviting himself in my room. "Whatsup" I say. He sits down next to me on the bed. "I wanted to know if you wanted to get ice cream? Diego is out with mikey" He says. I smile and nod.

We grab our skateboards, leaving my house, going to menchies. "So, how've you been?" He asks. I stayed silent, continues to skate. "You don't have to answer" He said when he realized i didn't want to answer. "No it's okay, I've been better" I say with honesty. "He fucked with my head Jay. And I still want to go back to him" I sigh. He stops, grabbing his board. I do the same. He walks closer to me. Soon enough, I could feel his breath on my chin. He put a hand to my cheek, staring at my eyes.

Then, we kissed. And it wasn't like those kisses that are expected to be good because its your brothers best friend. No, this didn't feel right. Even though I wanted to, I just couldn't. I pulled away. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have done that. I'm so stupid. I understand if you want-" I cut him off with a soft giggle. "You're okay Jay, Let's just go hang out" I say. We went on with our day as if nothing happened.


"She won't answer her phone Diego!" He yelled through the phone.

"Listen bro, she isn't on speaking terms with any of you, just chase. So leave it alone" Her brother spoke through the phone

"I can't Diego, I fucked up! I need her to hear me out" He spoke angrily.

"Anthony, she's given you too many chances, let her live" Diego says sadly, hanging up.

Anthony sat in his room, regretting everything. His eyes were puffy, red, and bloodshot. His hair had a knot in the middle of his scalp. He chucked his phone at the wall, before falling to his knee's. "I'm a fucking idiot" He whispers. Suddenly, a knock rings throughout his room. He pulled himself up, standing up. He opens his door, seeing all the boys, except Chase and Jackson.

"What are you guys doing here?" His voice croaked.

"We came to surprise you"
Josh says with a bright smile.
"Yeah" Jaden says.

The boys piled into the house, going onto Anthony's console and hopping onto minecraft.

As they played, Payton got a phone call. Griffin grabs his phone and screeches. "It's a girl" He groans. "Let me guess, the queen of clowns herself" Sam says.

"Hey avani!" Payton squeals like a girl. I motion for him to go to my room for an actual private phone call.

The boys played for an hour, soon realizing Payton hasn't come back from Anthony's room.

"What do you think he's doing" Sam says laughing. "Probably on tik tok on Avani's page" Griffin teases. Anthony laughs before getting up and walking to his room.

Anthony approaches his door, yelling out to Payton. "Yo Pay! What's taking- WHAT THE FUCK" Anthony yells, shocked from what he had seen after opening the door. "BRO SHUT THE DOOR" Payton yells. "IM SCARRED" Anthony screams like a girl. All the boys appear. Payton comes out of the room, sweaty. "Why the fuck in my room man" Anthony groans. "Clean the fucking sheets" Anthony finishes before looking to the others. "I caught him beating his meat" Anthony says simply before going down the stairs. All the boys were left laughing hysterically.

Anthony sits on the couch and continues to play their game. Soon after ALL the boys joined. Soon enough the boys grew hungry so they ordered a pizza.

Anthony had forgotten about Amelia. Completely. He was stress free, chillin with the boys.

Payton pulls out his phone and takes a picture.

The boys chilled, watched movies and such until one by one they passed out. Payton posts before going to bed.



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iitspayton: boys night
👥jadenhossler, luvanthony, samhurley, griffinjohnson, joshrichardss

hater: underage drinking👀
iitspayton: its lemonade and rootbeer.

fan: i miss him and amelia.

jadenhossler: lit night🤙🏼

luvanthony: thanks guys, much love.
iitspayton: no homo.
luvanthony: duh💀

ameliamartir: glad your having fun.
jacksonfelt: get off his page lia.
lilhuddy: ^

luvamanthony: i miss #amanthony
fan2: that wasn't even an official ship name but ok.

aurorasmith: some fine boys i bet👀🥵
lilhuddy: wtf?
griffinjohnson: well duh🥵

cynthiaparkerr: where was my invite?
iitspayton: gtfo.

I speak! I'm sorry for the long update, i've been very busy BUT i am going to start working on a really good chapter, but im not sure when it will be out since i'm very busy but it will be out before september ends!

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