time is everything

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~3rd POV~

Anthony didn't understand.

"What happened? Is she okay?" He grew frantic as questions rolled off his tongue.

"no Ant. you need to hurry"

and with that, chase hung up.

Leaving Anthony to speed to the hospital.

✿ ✿ ✿

Anthony arrived as soon as he could. He sprinted to the counter where the woman stood.

"I need a patients room number" He almost yelled

"what do i get in return?" The woman smirked.

"God damnit! You get money for god sake now give me Amelia Martir's room number!" He snapped.

The woman looked at her computer, obviously hurt that he snapped at her.

Anthony simply rolled his eyes.

"Room 529"

He could've been in the olympics for how fast he ran.

He stopped at her door.

He reached for the knob, starting to twist the know. Until he stopped.

Opening this door means he would see the girl he lives in pain. Severe Pain. "Are you ready for that?" He whispered.

He shook off his thought, and opened the door.

And there she was. Injured to the core. Her face was severely bruised, both legs were in casts, and her arms layed on her stomach.

His eyes watered as he approached her.

"Let's give him a minute" Payton's voice was calm, as well as cautious.
Everyone got up and left the room.

"I'm sorry for everything. I wish I hadn't fucked up as much as I did Lia. You are the best part of me. Best version of me. As cheesy as it sounds, i mean it. I'm not leaving your side until you are okay. I'm so fucking sorry. You don't deserve any of this. I'm sorry I wasn't there."

And there came the tears.

Then the door opened, and there stood Troy.

"Oh my god" He says breathlessly. He ran next to her, gripping her hand. Anthony got up, going to give Troy some privacy. Until he was about to leave the room.

"This is all my fault"

He turned around as quick as possible.

"What?" Anthony said, upset.

"Let's talk out there man."

Anthony nodded, walking into the lobby

"what the hell do you mean it was you fault" Anthony yelled.

"I left her to hang out with two of my friend i hadn't seen in weeks, i asked If i could go hang out with them and she said yes but she was upset."

Then, Anthony pushed him.

Anthony walked into her room with the others, while troy stood outside.

✿ ✿ ✿

sorry for the short chapter guys! school's been kinda stressful but im working on it!

Through Thick and Thin|| Anthony ReevesWhere stories live. Discover now