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*Trigger Warning of Rape, ⚠️⚠️ will appear when it occurs, skip if needed*

~Amelia's POV~

We all got on a bed, getting on Larray's laptop. We go on Omegle and get skipped like 8 times before we meet two girls. "oh my god" one squeals. "It's Anthony's girlfriend!' she says smiling. I laugh and shake my head. "Correction, ex girlfriend" I say with a small frown. "Oh my god i'm so sorry!" She says with a frown. I smile weakly. "It's alright love, some things don't work out. You always need to know you're worth" I say. We talk for a while, but we move on to other people.

"Guys, we need to get ready" Vereena says. We all nod and I walk out of the room. I look at my phone and see a text message.

Sammy boi: me, you, and Vereena are sharing a room.

loser: okay bet, what number room?

Sammy boi: *room number*

loser: lmao answer the door

Sammy boi: k

I put my phone in my pocket when the door opens. "Hey Sam" I say walking in with my luggage. "Hey loser" He teases. A knock echoes throughout the room. Sam answers it, seeing Vereena. "i just realized imma be third wheeling" I say with a groan. I flop down on the bed. They laugh at me. "I'm going to get into the shower" Vereena says, grabbing her clothes. We nod and she goes into the bathroom.

"Hey Sam?" I say. "Yes?" He replies. "Why did Josh gang up on me with Anthony at the airport?" I ask softly. He gets up and looks at you sadly. "Anthony was talking with Josh about his suspicions and I guess Josh jumped to conclusions" Sam answers and a frown. "I don't like how they did that to you" He finishes. I nod sadly and sit in the office chair, looking out of the hotel window. "I don't understand why this happens to me Sam" I say, my voice cracking. "Do you know when his suspicions started and what they were?" I ask, looking at him. He nods slowly, guilt in his eyes. "When you went to go skating with Troy, he would think you're really just going to hook up with him." He says. I nod. "At first, Jealousy was funny to me, but now, it makes me really upset Sam. The last time I was in a relationship I would get hit for the smallest things. I couldn't hang out with any of my guy friends. Larray and Issa were my besties at the time, Aurora was too but I was closer with them. I couldn't see my best friends. It feels like that all over again except with not physical abuse." I say, tears rolling out of my eyes. Sam stands up and walks over to me, hugging me. "I can't live like that again." I say in his shoulder. He nods, hugging me tighter.

Vereena got out of the shower soon after me and Sam talked. I grabbed my clothes and walked into the bathroom. I stripped and hopped into the hot water. I washed my body, and my hair. Memories flooded my mind.


"I'm not ready Kyle" I say with guilt. I loved him, but I wasn't ready to lose my virginity. "But don't you love me?" He says, his temper growing. "Of course, but I'm not ready to lose my virginity Kyle" I say. He nods, leaving. I cried myself to sleep.

I woke up to a slam of a door. Opening my eyes, I see Kyle. He stumbled with his steps. "Hey baby" He slurred. "Hi love" I say. "I love you so much" He says, sitting next to me. "I love you too" I say with a soft smile. He leans in, kissing me. It started off gentle, but grew rough, and sloppy. He grabbed my waist, pulling me to straddle him. Not minding since we've made out before like this. His hands moved towards my inner thighs. As the make out grew longer, his hand went more up my left thigh. He pushes me down on the bed, unbuckling my pants, then his. I pull away. "Kyle no" I say. He ignores this and continues. I began to move violently around, trying to have him let me go. "Stop" I repeated over and over. I cried, giving up.

~End of memory~

❗️It is over, you may continue the book❗️

I jumped when knocking came from the door. "Yeah?" I ask. "You doing okay?" Vereena asked. "Yeah, getting dressed now" I yell. I get out, turning the water off. I got dressed, and walked out of the bathroom. "sorry" I say and started my makeup. Doing a natural look of only mascara and filling in my brows with highlight was easiest. I took my hair out of it's bun, french braiding it into two. I finished, and we were ready. We walk out of the room, meeting with everyone. I was talking with Jackson when Larray tapped my shoulder. I excuse myself and begin talking with Larray as we walked to the elevator. "You doing okay? You've kinda been zoning out sis" He asks worried. "I was in the shower, and I thought about-" I say before I choked. Everyone turns around and stops. Everything felt as if it stopped, it got hot, and my lungs felt like they were failing. "Amelia!" Someone says, before I dropped to the floor, breathing heavily, pushing myself away from everyone. Soon my back hit something hard. Stupid wall. 

My chest moved up and down swiftly as I sat there staring at my hands. Tears fell down my face. A hand is placed on my knee. I freak out and start to move around violently. "Hey hey hey!' He says calmly. "Amelia, breathe" His voice is so soothing. My breathing slows down. "Tell me 3 things you see." He says. "A wall, floor, you" I say. "2 things you smell" He says. "Gum, and my Perfume" I say. "1 thing you hear" he says softly. "you're voice" I say. I look around and see everyone worried. I look at who was talking to me. 

Through Thick and Thin|| Anthony ReevesWhere stories live. Discover now