Fuck you.

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~Amelia's POV~

I saw troy's comment and rolled my eyes. It's not my fault. I like him, genuinely but he said no. He said he wouldn't be able to trust me. As I thought about what he told me, my phone started to ring. I look down and see Troy's ID.

"Hello?" I say. "What the fuck is with you comment?" He asks, upset. "What about it? It doesn't matter to you?" I say, annoyed. "I'm sorry I said no Amelia! But I can't! You're so fucking gorgeous that I wouldn't be able to trust you-" I cut him off. "SERIOUSLY TROY! Every time I got hit on when we were a thing, I told every single one of them to fuck off. It didn't matter who it was! When I was with Anthony, I told you not to try anything? Remember that? Exactly." I say in anger. "It doesn't matter, Me and Anthony are chill. You just got jealous. It doesn't matter." I say, frustrated. "You really are your moms daughter" Troy says harshly. "How fucking dare you relate me to my mother!-" He cut my off. "YOUR MOTHER CHEATED ON YOUR DAD WITH HER EX FROM HIGH SCHOOL AMELIA" He yelled. "I AM NOT MY FUCKING MOTHER TROY! I WOULD NEVER CHEAT ON MY BOYFRIEND! NOR YOU IF YOU HAD SAID YES! I WOULDN'T CHEAT ON YOU IF I HAD A FUCKING GUN TO MY HEAD SO FUCK YOU TROY!" I yell, hanging up and throwing my phone across the room. I sob. How dare he relate me to my mother.

"Hello?" The boys say, walking through the hotel room. I still cried, hiccuping constantly, and putting my hand on my mouth, trying to not be loud, but failed. Anthony and Jaden walks in, seeing me huddled in the corner.

Anthony rushes over to me, while Jaden just stood there. "Hey, what happened?" Anthony says. I hiccup. "I don't want to talk about it right now" I say, looking up at him. He hugs me and kisses my forehead. "Guys, I'm gonna go to the suite to eat, you guys can stay here and i'll let them know. I'll tell josh to stay in the suite" We both nod and he grabs his food and walks out the door.

"Want to watch a movie?" Anthony asks me softly. I nod and weakly smile at him. He grabs my laptop, going on Netflix. I grabbed my phone and took a picture of the screen, putting it on Snapchat with a caption "Watching movies is a cure for sadness". Anthony hugs my waist as we watch the movie. "Amelia" His voice whispers. I hum in response. "Can we talk about earlier before me and Jaden went to Wendy's?" Anthony asks. I nod, looking down at him. "I meant what I said" I say. He nods. "I did too" He says. 

He bites his lip, looking at me. "Don't fucking do that" I say, not wanting to get turned on. He pulls me in, kissing me. I instantly kiss back. His hand trailed down to my ass, squeezing it. I open my mouth in shock. He instantly takes his chance to slide his tongue in my mouth. He dominates the kiss, his hands roaming around my back and thighs. "Fuck" He groans. He messes with the hem of my shirt. His mouth moves down to my neck. Shit. He sucks roughly, obviously leaving more hickeys. I moan softly. 

He pulls his shirt off, hovering over me. I pull him back into a kiss. He messes with my shorts. I nod in the kiss. He unbuttons my shorts, pulling down slowly.I disconnect our lips, taking off my shirt, leaving me in my bra. 

Suddenly, a knock echoes throughout the room. I groan loudly. I put my shorts back on and my shirt. Anthony puts his shirt back on and walks to the door, answering it. "The guys said there was no room to stay in the suite." He says, walking in and laying on the other bed. Anthony pulled his shirt more down. I look down and he had a boner. I grab my phone and laugh, acting like I saw something on Instagram. Josh gets up, going to the bathroom. I laugh again pointing at his problem. "Josh hurry up, Anthony has to take a shower" I yell. Anthony sits by me. I put a leg on top of it , trying not to put pressure on it. "Be my girlfriend again?" Anthony says, looking at me. I smile and sit up, kissing him. "yes" I say. Josh walks out of the bathroom, going back to sleep. Anthony gets up, going into the bathroom.

I smile and go to sleep.

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