Such a gentleman

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~Amelia's POV~

We walked into the ice cream shop, talking about skating tricks. We ordered our ice cream and sat down at a small table by a window. A woman approaches us with Troy's milkshake, and my ice cream cone. I tipped her a five before she walked off to the back. She smiles at me and Troy, walking back to where she'd come from.

"I would have tipped her, this is on me Amelia" Troy says as we walk up a hill. "What a gentleman" I joked. "I can't make you tip her and pay for me, I tip her, we're even" I say looking at the city view and sunset in the backround.

"It's so beautiful, sunsets always show that after a bad day, it will end on a beautiful note" I say, looking at my home. "Not as beautiful as the girl beside me" He mumbles. "Heard that" I say with a giggle. He softly laughs, turning his head to me. "Glad you did" He says. I turn and look at him and smile. "You're still corny" I say with a huge smile.

Troy jumps to his phone ringing. He pull out his phone from him pocket, looking at the caller ID. He answers it with a simple hello. "Yes this is he?" Troy says with concern and confusion. "Oh my god. Okay I'm on my way" He says quickly, hanging up and gets up. "What's wrong?" I say with worry. "My cousin is in the hospital, I need to go." He says. I grab his hand and look him in the eyes. "Im coming with" I say, pulling him to the car. We hop inside driving off to the hospital.

We head inside, going to the front desk. "Who are you here for?" The woman asks. "Stacey Brooke" He says in a rush. "Are you family?" she asks, looking at the both of us. "She's our cousin" I say, as Troy struggled to answer. "Room 219" she says.

"Emergency in room 219! In need of medical attention immediately" The intercom says. I look at troy and rush to the room. We get to her room and storm inside. Doctors are around her, about to take her to the emergency room. "Mom!" Troy says, hugging a woman. "What happened?" He says with worry. "Aunt Cindy didn't tell us Stacey had Leukemia. She wouldn't wake up from her sleep so I called her mom, and that's when she told me so I rushed her here." The woman says. Her attention shifts to me. "Who is this?" She asks sweetly. "I'm Amelia Ma'am, I was with Troy when he got the call to come here" I say, shaking her hand. "Oh? Was this hangout a date?" She asks with a smile. Troy's face turns bright red. "I would hope it was a date" I say with a smile. "I'm so sorry we are meeting under these conditions" His mother says. "I'm Lisa, Troy's mom" She says. "Nice to meet you" I say.

~4 hours later~

Troy had his head on my shoulder as he slept. I scrolled through my social media. My eyes look up from my phone, seeing a doctor head our way. "Are you here for Stacey Brooke?" The woman says. We nods and I look at troy. I shake my shoulder softly, hearing a soft groan come from Troy. "Time to wake up" I say softly. He looks at me and smiles weakly. He looks at the doctor, nodding to continue. "Stacey has Acute lymphocytic leukemia, which is the most fatal type of leukemia. She will need to stay her for a few weeks, just to get treated. If she does not get treated, it will become life threatening." The doctor states. "You may see her in her original room number 219" She says before walking off. I grab Troy's hand, walking to her room.

Troy opens the door, and look at his cousin. We sit down next to her and he tears up. I squeeze his hand and look at him. "It'll be okay" I say, moving my thumb back and forth against his hand. He weakly smiles at me before looking back at his cousin. I grab my phone, going on twitter, still holding his hand.

I will be taking a break off of social media for personal reasons. Thank you all for understanding and I will let you know why I am if it's okay with who it concerns. I love you all!
913,296❤️ 56,396🔁 71,286💬

I put my phone in my pocket. "Troy, give me your phone" I say softly. He looks at me confused but complies, handing me his phone after unlocking it. I go on his twitter and tweet the same thing. "I think it's best for now you take a break off of social media" I say. He smirks and brings his face to my ear. "It's cute when you care" He whispers. He pulls his head back and smiles. "Thank you Amelia" He says, acting like he didn't just do that. I giggle and lay my head on his shoulder, drifting to sleep.

Through Thick and Thin|| Anthony ReevesWhere stories live. Discover now