Che 4

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For the past 2 years that's all the little troublemakers did, they played only with themselves never anyone else. "Stuck like glue" everyone said when they first meet them, they did everything together and they both enjoyed it, Sasuke grew protective on Naruto , making sure he was always smiling and never hurt. But everything has to come to an end at some point.

"Sasuke, we're going on a trip" His father said he was nervous he was lying to hi son.

"Is Naruto coming?" Sasuke asked

"No, we're going back to your mother, she's back from the trip and now she wants her family"

"Are we coming back? I promised Naruto we would go to the pond again"

Fugaku couldn't lie to his own son, but this time he had to, knowing how close the two where if telling Sasuke they won't be back, he probably go mad and go hide with Naruto.

"Yes, we'll be back in a week" he said sadly though he hid it.

"Okay!" He said

With that Sasuke told Naruto it would only be a week, Naruto was okay with it but he sure was going to miss Sasuke for that week, they promised each other they would go to the pond when he came back.

Sasuke left, finally seeing his mom after two years, he had fun the hole week, he spent it with his mom and dad, they did lots of things together.

But when Monday came, Sasuke woke up early on his own to pack his things, he was going to back to Naruto and he was so happy, but when his mother saw him, she frowned.

"Sasuke Honey? What are you doing?" She asked sweetly.

"Packing to go back home, I promised my friend after i came we would go to the pond"

Fugaku came inside, he heard everything.

"Sasuke.. I'm sorry but we aren't coming back" he said softly.

"W-what? You said"

"Sorry Sasuke, it's better if you stay here with us" Mikoto said his mom

"Am i going to see Naruto again?" He said softly.

His dad shook his head no

At that moment Sasuke world fell apart, he wasn't going to see Naruto anymore? Before his mom could hug him and conform him, he slapped her hand away.

"Get away, you liar!" He screamed running to the bathroom and locking himself. His parents trust was lost faster than anything.

8 years passed, Sasuke was a tall 16 year old.

Sasuke was never happy since the day they told him he wasn't going to see Naruto again, both his parents thought he would forget but they where so wrong, Sasuke grew up with anger in him, always getting into fights, and whenever his parents tried talking to him he would either ignore them of not reply at all.

He came home, well he can't even call it home anymore, he hated this place, he was just here for his skateboard and then he's gone again.

Before he could leave his father stopped him.

"Sasuke, this is enough! Get yourself together or else we're sending you away!" His fathers voice didn't scare him, not a single bit.

"Go ahead"

he said before he went past him, leaving the hell people call 'home' he didn't care about anything, if he couldn't have Naruto, he doesn't want or care about anything else.

His father sighed, maybe it was time for Sasuke to take a break, he got his phone, putting a number he's known for years in.

"Hello Minato?" He said

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