Che 35

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I don't think I'll finish this story.
What can you do about it?
Nothing, hahah.

"W-wait Sasuke!" Naruto squealed as he felt Sasuke's lips on his neck, Sasuke wasn't paying attention, he was more busy on his creamy-like skin, giving it gentle butterfly kisses. Grabbing Naruto's gym shirt and slowly tugging it up

|I will not sin, I'm a holy child!|

"Shh, it's fi-" before he could continue, the bell of 5 minute bell runged. Signing the students to go change quickly before the next class. 'What the hell' Sasuke thought, how can time go that fast? We just got here?, Naruto just sighed in relief, then blushing as red as a tomato when he noticed their positions.

"S-Sasuke you idiot!" Naruto squealed, pushing  him straight out the door, only finding a few students out, Naruto popped his head out embarrassed while all the  guys where now looking at Sasuke. This only made Naruto blush even more.

"We where fixings the hockey sticks and I tripped, now mind your own business" he said a bit harshly, making everyone look away.

Naruto puffing out his cheeks, he looked away from Sasuke and walking to his locker, while Sasuke followed along, once they fully changed out they started walking to class, Sasuke looked at Naruto, he hasn't uttered a word.

"Hey Naruto?" Sasuke said testing something out, after a few more seconds he didn't get a reply.

My upload schedule went straight to the trash.
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