Che 30

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Naruto woke up in the morning feeling tired, even after sleeping for so long he left like he only did for 2 hours.

"It's Friday, no school tomorrow"

He told himself, trying to at least make his day better, after slowly getting up, a nock was heard before Minato came in.

"Hey Naruto? Can you change quickly today? I have somewhere to be" Minato chuckled nervously, only receiving a sleepy nod, Naruto got up faster, he didn't want his dad to be late to whatever he was in a hurry for.

Heading to the bathroom Naruto stopped to look at his cold lifeless mark, oh how he wished it would light up, meaning Sasuke was near, but he's not here anymore, and now he won't answer back.

Without realization, 20 minutes passed of Naruto simply starring at his mark.

"Oh shit!" He said before going to the bathroom, he had at least 20 minutes after he was done changing, though the drive there was at least 6 minutes. So he went downstairs quietly seeing his dad waiting silently drinking coffee.

"Sorry it took long!" Naruto said stuffing bread in his mouth.

"It's fine, should we get going?" Minato said putting the coffee aside.

"Yeah! Let me get my things!" Naruto ran back to his room grabbing his backpack and phone shoving it in his back pocket. Rushing downstairs Minato was already outside, Naruto closed the door and ran to the car.

The ride to school wasn't anything special, Minato looked nervous for no reason and well he didn't question it, getting out the car he looked at his dad and smiled.

"Bye dad!"

Naruto said before walking away quickly. Minato smiled slightly making sure his son went to school before he left to go get Sasuke.

Sasuke was done changing, making sure he looked good for his reunite with his blondie.

After making sure he was looking good to his liking, his phone started ringing, Minato's name popping up.

"Hello?" Sasuke said.

"I'm here, get your bags and come down" Minato said through the phone line.

"Okay" was all Sasuke said before he hanged up and got his suitcases, making sure he didn't leave anything he used last night he went down, he left the building quickly, getting greeted by Minato.

"Sasuke you have at least 10 minutes or so" Minato said taking both suitcases and shoving them in the car, Sasuke simply got in, excitement ran through his body as his brain slowly was progressing that he will see his Naruto yet again.

"Now Sasuke, I'm pretty sure this principal won't deal with your behavior, I recommend you stay a low profile and not cause trouble or else I'm pretty sure they'll send you back" Minato said curving to a faster rode to school.

"Got it".

Once they arrived Minato looked at his watch,

"you have at least 4 minutes, also you have all classes with my son, now get going"

Sasuke nodded getting out the car, he didn't need a backpack just yet.

Taking a step in the school, everyone started starring , the more he walked the more stares  he got from people, sighed to himself he kept walking.

Before Sasuke could start looking around, a crowd of girls surrounded him.

"The fuck-"

"Hey, what's your name cutie?" A redhead with glasses said, her high feminine voice ringed in his ears.

Sasuke shacked his head trying to get the annoying voice out his head.

"Sasuke. Now get out my way" he said pushing past the females, walking away faster he looked around trying to find blond hair.

With no clue on where he was, he decided to ask, lookin for someone, he decided on a girl with two buns in her head.

"Hey?" Sasuke said, making the girl turn around.

"Yeah?" She said back.

"Do you know where Naruto Uzumaki is?"

Sasuke saw her cheeks getting red on hearing his blondie's name, in the corner of his eye he could see the group of girls following him, he decided to just ignore them.

"U-ugh He's over there" she said nervously stuttering and pointing to the walking blondie.

Sasuke eyes lit up.

"Thank you"

Sasuke started walking fast, the girls where still following from a distance. 'Ah shit' was all Sasuke though, once reaching the blond, he quickly but smoothly snaked his arms around his waist.

"Eep" was heard from the blondie

"What the hell who-"

"Hey princess" Sasuke said in his ear, a clear smirk on his lips.

"S-Sasuke!?" Naruto said turning around quickly, his eyes going big as he realized who was in front of him.

His mark glowed a bright yellow, tinges of happiness ran through his body.

"That's right princess, your prince has arrived!"

I typed this fast and if i did a mistake
You can fix it with your brain mentally.

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