New Year's

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Both Naruto and Sasuke sat at the dinner table, enjoying the good meal Naruto had made.

"Thank you for bringing me here, Sasuke"

Naruto said happily to Sasuke, if one needs to know. Sasuke rented a house very close to the beach, only because he knew his blondie wanted to see the fireworks when the clock hit twelve.

"It's not a problem,"

Sasuke said smoothly as he was rather nervous but he didn't show it because of his own pride.

"I heard there was going to be a great firework show"

Naruto's eyes brighten up as Sasuke's words finally cleared in his head.

"No way! Really!?"

Sasuke nodded as he took a sip of his tea, it was relaxing after his late meal, wondering why the meal is late? Well Sasuke had business to take care of and Naruto was a rather...big help if you catch his drift, so because of that they they had to have dinner a bit later than usual.

It was currently 9 Pm, only 3 hours to go and Naruto was bouncing around excited for the fireworks in a few hours.

It was currently 1 hour and something in and Naruto couldn't stay still so he started preparing everything to stay cozy outside while Sasuke's drank who knows how many cups of tea to cool his nerves.

10 minutes till twelve and Naruto was basically bouncing around, the both stood on the porch waiting for everything to start, They would of done fireworks themselves but Naruto was scared if he's to close, so he was rather pleased to watch them from afar, but if Naruto was happy then so was Sasuke.

The first firework went up the air as pretty little lights split in the air, Naruto's eyes glowed with pure excitement as his eyes never left the sky full of colors.

Sasuke backed away a little as he reached for his pocket, feeling the box with the precious ring inside. "C'mon Sasuke you've got this! Tea can't calm you down now" he told himself as he had a mental fight with himself.

Sasuke shook his head as he inhaled and let his breath go, he slowly got to one knee as he got the box out and opened it revealing the expensive light orange diamond ring. 

"U-ugh Naruto.."

Sasuke cursed himself for stuttering, though his nerves were quickly numbed as Naruto turned around, Naruto's eyes widened as he saw Sasuke with the ring.

"Uzumaki, Naruto will you make me the happiest man alive and marry me?"

Tears ran down Naruto's eyes as he stayed still, too shocked to move or to even say anything, he began nodding slowly as his body came back to realization.

"Yes..yes! Oh god yes,Sasuke!"

Naruto jumped at him, making them both fall as he cried tears of joy, Sasuke's smile was as bright as Naruto's as he grabbed Naruto's hand and slipped the ring in, finally calming him as his Fiancé.

"I-i love you"

"I love you too, Naruto"

Sasuke looked at Naruto before he leaned into a kiss as the fireworks stopped once and for all.

"Happy New Year's"

46 minutes
It's how long to took me,
Happy New Year's!
I'm going to loose it if anyone says
"SeE yOu nExt yEaR"

Because i hope I don't.

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