Che 13

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"No" was said simply by Sasuke.

"What?" Said the confused smaller male

"I hate going to the mall, girls follow me everywhere, like bugs or something"

"Please Sasuke! I want to buy this nice shirt that I've seen!"

"No, you can go alone, it wouldn't harm you"



Naruto slightly glared at Sasuke, what could make him go with me? Hmm

"I'll let you call me princess!"

"It's not a choice, but nice try" Sasuke started walking back to the room, Naruto had to do something, but quick.

"I'll let you kiss me!"

Naruto shouted that without realization


Sasuke slowly turned around, an evil smirk crossed his face.

"Oh really now?"


"Deal, you've said it, you can't take it back now" Sasuke smirked evil

Naruto blushed, his body just reacted on its own.

"F-fine, but how are we going t-to deal with t-the girls" he studded

"Ehh I'll figure something out, for now let's go shower" Naruto just nodded, he was still as red as a beet

After they both showed, they where getting ready, well Naruto was applying something on his face saying 'his skin can't be dry' he was just wearing a towel doing all that, while Sasuke on the other hand was wearing a navy blue shirt, black jeans and black vans, he put on a gold chain he had but forgot about.

He looked at Naruto, he was done 'with his face' and now he was getting ready

"Look away" Naruto said without looking, he already knew Sasuke was watching him, Sasuke turned his head to Naruto's closet, only to see a box, what? Sasuke silently went to it, deciding either to open it or not.

He did, Sasuke looked inside the box only to find girly clothes, such as skirts and mimi shirts.

"Wow" Sasuke said, before he knew it he was flying to the floor.

"SASUKE! YOU WERNT SUPPOSED TO SEE THAT!" Naruto said fully blushing, oh no.

"I'm sorry princess, curiosity got the best of me"

Naruto put the box back, embarrassed.



"Do you cross-dress?" Sasuke looked at Naruto who unsurely nodded, he truly did.

"God that's hot" Sasuke mutted to himself, Naruto stood there shocked, he thought Sasuke would be disgusted and leave.

Sudden Sasuke got a brilliant idea, he turned to Naruto with a smirk, Naruto looking back at him didn't like that smile at all, he was up to something.

"You dress like a girl"

"W-what w-why?"

"Well if you look like a girl, girls will back off because they will think you are my girlfriend"

Sasuke was looking forward to this, it was a chance for him to see Naruto in more feminine clothes.

"B-but I've never w-went in public l-like that" Naruto stuttered out, he was nervous now.

"Don't worry princess, I'll be with you, nothing will hurt you"

Naruto nodded, he was going to do this because he trusted Sasuke.

Naruto got the box out, getting a orange crop-top and a light orange skirt.

"U-ugh, Sasuke do i wear the skirt or the jeans?"

"Skirt" he said maybe a little to quickly, but Naruto just nodded.

"P-Please t-turn around" and that's exactly what Sasuke did, Naruto put on his crop-top and skirt, he got dark blue short heels out with the outfit, should he surprise Sasuke with his new wig? It was new so maybe he should? He decided on that he was going to show him, so he went back in the closet

"Naruto are you do-"

"No! And please don't look!"

Sasuke nodded, he wanted the smaller male to trust him with his new look, Naruto got the wig and put it on carefully, long blond locks of hair fell down to his ass, his skirt wasn't really small but it did cover him a lot, he overall enjoyed wearing everything.

"D-done" he said nervously.

Sasuke turned around, almost getting a nose bleed, Naruto was wearing a skirt that was perfect around him, it showed all his juicy hips and plumped ass, long blond locks matching his real hair, they reached his ass as two big high ponytails, Sasuke looked up at him, he didn't look like a boy anymore, this was a girl who was waiting to be taken by Sasuke himself.

"woah" was all Sasuke managed to say

"Y-you don't like it?" Naruto fidgets with his fingers, just like a school girl talking to her crush.

"No i love it"

Sasuke smirked, he was totally going to show Naruto off as his, his possessive side was finally showing.

Things might not go so good.

"Mine, mine, mine!"

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