Che 27

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Two months

Everything was going well, fine at least.

Both parents of Sasuke got a call to have a meeting at his school.

They where making their way to the school, Mikoto nervously glancing at the window.

"Do you think he did something?" Said Mikoto to her husband.

"I doubt it, but you never know he has a short temper" he said back.

One they reached the school, a nice woman lead them to the office.

"Ah Mr. and Ms. Uchiha please sit down" Said the principal.

"Mr. Hatake, has my son gotten in trouble again?" Mikoto said nervously.

"Oh no, he hasn't done a single bad thing since school started"

Mikoto let out a sigh of relief.

"Then why are we here?" Said Fugaku.

"You son has passed a very important test, his score was 99%,only missing one question"

Mikoto eyes shot open, he knew her son was smart, but he's never put that much effort in a test.

"99% make him the highest score of the school, now tell me after seeing his record from his previous school, what made him change? Since you guys made him skip summer school after his bad grades? What exactly made him change in the summer?" Mr. Hatake said waiting for an answer.

"He saw his lover" Mikoto said happily.

"That boy missed him so deeply, and I don't really know what he's trying to achieve but I think he wants to go back to him seeing he couldn't stay because of his grades" Said Fugaku, Mr. Hatake was taken by surprise.

"Maybe it was a good idea for him to stay over with his lover? Although our school won't do much, i as the principal would do anything for a student, seeing his lover is an inspiration to his success it's better if he stays with him" Mr.Hatake said taking out a few documents.

"Now as parents, I would like Permission to send him bac-"

"Yes! This is perfect! He'll so love this!" Mikoto said happily, she now couldn't wait to tell her son.

Fugaku nodded agreeing with the hole idea.

"This is great! All i need is information on the school his lover goes to and where he's going to be staying, our school will pay for the flight"

"Thank you!" Mikoto said happily taking the documents in her hands.

"Thank you,expect these papers back in day or two" Said Fugaku shaking Mr. Hatake's hands

"No thank you, have a nice day" said Mr. Hatake as the two Uchiha's left the office.

When they got out the school bell ranged, school was over.

"Schools out already so might as well wait for Sasuke and then tell him the news at home!" Minato said to her husband, only receiving a nodded.

They waited only 3 minutes before Sasuke was walking out the school minding his business, before a group of girls surrounded him.

"Heyy Sasuke, what are you doing today?" Said one girl, Sasuke just ignored her, well the hole group and walked past them. He finally saw his parents and went walking faster.

"Hey mother and father" he greeted.

"Hey son, let's go"

"Yeah, seems like those girls won't leave you alone" Mikoto giggled.

"Tell me about it" Sasuke sighed.

They all got in the car and went straight home, before Sasuke could go in his room he was stopped by his father.

"Son we need to talk.."

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