Che 12

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Sasuke fluttered his eyes open, he looked down to find blond locks hugging im, Naruto was indeed cuddling with him, this just made Sasuke smile, now of course Sasuke wasn't going to move, he was going to enjoy this till the end.

Maybe an hour passed by and Sasuke was dazily looking at Naruto, oh how he relized how much he loved him, the blonde idiot was the only reason he's probably alive, and he was greatly thankful, Sasuke picked up his hand and carelessly touched his cheek. His soft cheeks the held three wishers-like birthmarks.

Sudden Naruto fluttered his eyes open, black meeting baby blue.

"Morning', princess" he said softly still caring softly for his cheek.

"Morning, Sasu" he said softly, this made Sasuke slightly blush for the new nickname, good thing Naruto was to sleepy to notice.

Minato nocked in the door, yet he opened it without a 'come in'

"Hey boys! I'm sorry im quite in a rush, i have a boring meeting, I won't be back till probably tomorrow! Naruto my credit card is in the table you guys can go out and eat, bye!" he said quickly before leaving.

"That was something" Sasuke said looking back at Naruto, who simply closed his eyes again and cuddled Sasuke. Did he know what he was doing? Sasuke just chuckled in amusement.

"Hey princess? I know you want to cuddle with me more but I'm hungry"

Naruto's eyes widened, he pushed Sasuke off.

"T-that didn't happen!"

"Hmm, of course it didn't" Sasuke said mocking him playfully.

Naruto got up, yawning like a kitten again.

"Let's go get something to eat, since your hungry" Sasuke nodded.

"Can i cary my sleeping princess downstairs?"

"Yeah, yeah" Naruto said yawning, Sasuke picked him up carefully and started walking downstairs to the kitchen, he set Naruto down on the table and looked around

"Hmm, where are the chips?" He said to himself, maybe a bit to loud.

"No! Don't you dare eat then" Naruto now fully awake said.

"I'll make you something! Let's see what's your favorite vegetable?"

"Don't have one, they are all nasty" he said

Naruto sighed, what was he going to do now? Maybe he should make him try some? Yes good idea!

Naruto got down and went to the fridge, getting out Carrots, Tomatoes and Corn the basics

"Here try it" Naruto said giving him a freshly washed Carrot, Sasuke sighed biting it, 'ew'

"I don't like it"

"What about this?" Naruto handed him a tomato, Sasuke again bit it, only this time the juice was rich.

"Mmm" Sasuke said taking another bite, he liked this, a lot then before

"Tomatoes? You like tomatoes?"

Sasuke nodded, he just kept on eating it.

"That's geat! I know how to make good tomatoes soup!"

"I'm fine with this right now I just wanted to get up" Sasuke chuckled

"Psh Whatever" Naruto leftto go to te dining table, he found his dads credit card like he said ang got it, going back to Sasuke who seemed to be done eating his tomatoe.



"Let's go to the mall!"

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