Che 22

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Since that day Naruto has been affectionate towards Sasuke, and of course Sasuke loved this, he gave back the same lovable vibe that made both of them beyond happy. Then the house phone rang.

"I'll go get it Sasuke!" Naruto said giving him a peck on the lips and went to get the phone.


"Ahh! Naruto? I'm guessing Minato isn't home?"

"Yeah sorry He isn't, do you want me to tell him to call later?"

"Well I just came to check on what you guys are going to do for his birthday? Because I think you might have to cancel it"


"Yeah? It's in a week, the 23rd"

"I-i didn't know t-that!"

"Well he hates his birthday so I don't necessarily recommend you do something"  You could hear a sigh through the phone.

"Thank you sir! I'll make him change his mind! I'll tell me father to call back later"

"Thank you, too"

And he hanged up, putting back the phone gently before rushing back to Sasuke, anger rises in his body, how dare Sasuke not say anything about his own birthday? When he finally got to him, Sasuke just looked at him confused.

"Princess? Who was on the phone?"

Sasuke felt the tense on Naruto's mark, like if he was about to burst in anger or something.

"It was you Dad" he said a bit coldly.

"Yeah an-"

"Why didn't you tell me your birthday is in a week!" Sasuke only frowned, he didn't want the blondie to know that, he truly did hate his birthday.

"I didn't see why I should of said something about it, i hate my birthdays"

"W-why!?" Naruto's voice cracked almost like if he was about to cry.

"I just do, plus just being with you is the only thing i ask for, now c'here princess" Sasuke said spreading his arms for a hug, Naruto hesitated a bit but then went to hug him.

"Your an idiot.." Naruto mumbled putting his chin on Sasuke's shoulder.

"I'm your idiot who you fell in love with"

"I'm still going to do something.."

Sasuke gave a small sigh out, maybe he should celebrate it for a change?

"As long as it's with you"

Naruto giggled happily, now all he had to do was buy Sasuke a president and then see what hell do next.

And that's what Naruto did.

On Day 1: He didn't know what to give him, he wasn't panicking maybe he'll come up with something later.

On Day 2: He still didn't exactly know what to give him, he still had a few days.

On Day 3: He still had no idea what the hell to give him, he was slightly panicking.

On Day 4: He sat in his bedroom panicking, what was he supposed to get Sasuke when he already has everything someone could possibly need!? A picture of Sasuke popped up in his head, clothes and those chains he always wears..chains! That's it! Naruto grabbed his shoes quickly and went running downstairs, only to be stopped by Sasuke.

"Princess? Where are you going?"

"Ehh!? Oh um I'm going for a quick run around the neighborhood! I'll be back"

Sasuke nodded confused, what was the idiot up to? Either way none can touch him. The mark has been activated anyways.

And so Naruto sprinted to the nearest jewelry store, when he got there he was out of breath.

"Hello sir, is there anything i can get you specifically today?" Said a nice yung lady.

"I would like to buy a necklace with a name" Naruto said almost out of breath.

"Okay, what would the name be sir?" The yung lady said getting out a peace of paper.


"Okay thank you, it will be done in a week or two" The yung lady smiled.

"What a week!? I need it now!" Naruto breathed out.

"Sorry si-"

Naruto slammed money on the desk.

"I'll pay twice the price if it's given to me in 4 hours"

She smiled nervously, getting up and going to the backroom, once she came out she was with a smile.

"The fastest is in a hour, but you'll have to pay twice the price for fast shipping, is that fine?"

"Yes absolutely" Said Naruto happily. Everything was going into play. He payed and then went on to waist an hour of just walking around and eating snacks that he bought for no reason. When he least noticed it an hour and a half passed, so he rushed in only to be greated by the yung lady again.

"Hello sir again! I'll bring it for you right now" she said getting up and going to the back again, when she came she had a pretty navy blue bag.

"Here you go! Have a nice day!"

"Thank you! You too!"

With that Naruto left back home, but on the way back he digged in to pull out a small dark blue box, when he opened it a nice gold necklace was there with Sasuke's name on it.

"Yes! This is perfect!" He told himself happily.

When he was almost home relization hit him, how was he supposed to hide the presents from Sasuke when he was home in the livingroom!? Naruto panicked for a bit before he came up with an idea, he quietly went in the backyard and put the girft inside the tool shed they have, when quick went back to the front.

Naruto looked at himself, nothing suspicious? Good! He went up and unlocked the door walking in, only to be greeted by a angry Sasuke.

"Princess? What took you so dam long!" Sasuke said annoyed as ever

'Ah shit' Naruto thought to himself.

"I was walking around the neighborhood!" Naruto said a bit nervously.

"For almost two hours?"

"Um yup!" Naruto said back.

"Tch, I'm going with you next him" Sasuke walked up to him and snaked his hands around Narutos waist, pulling him closer to him.

"Let's go watch a movie, I've missed you"

You guys don't have a single
clue what's gonna
happen next.
Any guesses?

Also I didn't check for
spelling or if it even
made sense sorry?

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