Che 31

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"S-Sasuke!" Naruto said happily, soft tears running down his face.

Sasuke didn't say thing, only cupping his cheek softly. Both unaware of the people now starring.

"H-how-" Naruto wasn't able to finish his sentence, before he was stopped by the bell.

"I'll explain to you later, okay princess?"

Sasuke let go of his cheek, looking around he saw almost everyone gone.

"I have to get to the office, take me?" Sasuke said looking back at the blond who was whipping his tears off.

"Follow me" he said happily taking the ravens hand and leading him through halls.

"Why is this school so big" Sasuke mumbled already lost track on where they were, Naruto just giggled.

One they reached the office, Naruto was the first one in.

"Ahh, Naruto what brings you in today?" Said the principal before Sasuke walked in.

"Who's this? You made a friend i see?"

Naruto blushed nodding.

"Yeah! Iruka i did!"

"I'm his boyfriend" Sasuke stated bluntly, this casused Naruto to stiffen.

"Ahh, Uchiha Sasuke? Must be the new student if I'm right, though seeing your past i hope you behave well" Iruka smiled.

"Though with Naruto being your source of hope,I'm sure you'll stay out of trouble with his help."

"I hope so"


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