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"Hn?" Sasuke looked at Naruto's blue eyes

"Quit starring at me" Naruto mumbled feeling his boyfriend had been starring at him for the past 30 minutes or so


A loud book was shut and the attention was back in the front for both males.

"Alright class, that was all for today" Mr. Sarutobi said, taking a look at his watch he looked up.

"You can use these 7 minutes to talk to each other" Once he sat down the class started talking to each other, each going in their own groups.

Sasuke smirked, slowly looking at Naruto who just looked back, about to steal a kiss from him Before he saw two people heading towards them, stopping himself, he looked at the people coming.

Only to be quickly disappointed.

A pinky and a blondie

Sasuke mentally growned, Naruto saw who was coming and quickly looked away.

"Hey Sasuke-kun" said the pinky trying to sound more feminine. Annoying.

"What do you want?" Sasuke looked at them clearly already annoyed.

The blondie pushed the pinky out the way.

"Ya'know since your new here we would like to introduce you to some of our friends, being new to this school you're already popular so it's fair"

"You'll get to hang out with us and the popular kids so you can stay away from him" the pinky interrupted and then looking at Naruto with disgust. Sasuke turned to look at Naruto, only to meet a sad blondie who didn't say a word.

"No" Sasuke said simply, everyone was starring now as the teacher was gone to get copies for the next class, everyone was now interested.

"What? Your more interested in him than us!? We're way better looking!" They said at the same time. Sasuke now fully annoyed he got up from his chair.

"Yes, as a matter of fact i am, he's way better looking than you, he has something you both will never have, and you know what that is? True beauty. At least he isn't going around with makeup on his face looking like a whole clown"

Sasuke sat back down, he was still a bit mad, chuckles and soft laughter was heard from others.

Both females stood still red as a beet, they where being embarrassed by him yet again.

"Tch!" They said stomping their way out the classroom, all eyes quickly where on them, Sasuke quickly notice he looked at everyone.

"Look away!" He said loudly making them all go back to minding their own business.

Naruto shyly put laid his head on Sasuke's shoulder.

"Thank you" he said softly, making Sasuke smile slightly.

Two minutes passed and the bell ranged, making a horrible sound to Sasuke's opinion.

Naruto got up chuckling to himself.

"Clowns" he told Sasuke mentally, getting a quick laugh and getting his stuff for the next class.

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