Che 18

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"Sasuke!" Naruto squealed after Sasuke started to kiss him.

"W-wait Sasuke!" The blond said out of breath, he was clearly enjoying this, but air was needed for his lungs.

"I don't think you get it, princess"

Sasuke pecked him on the lips, Sasuke needed Narutos kisses badly, and he wasn't going to stop till he was satisfied.

"You don't have a choice now"

The blond froze for a minute, this wasn't like Sasuke, before the blondie could do anything, Sasuke bit down his skin.

"N-nagh!" Was Naruto chocked out, pretty little bold letter where forming in Narutos skin where Sasuke bit him.

"Sasuke's" was shown in his skin on his shoulder, bright cursive letters, Naruto didn't know this yet only looking up at Sasuke's eyes for an answer on why he bit him. Instead of being met with black eyes he was met with dark red ones.

"S-Sasuke?" Naruto managed stutter out.

Sasuke looked to the blondies eyes, finally snapping out of it, Sasuke realized on what he had done, getting off the blond quickly , he cursed at himself, how could he loose control so easily?

"S-Sasuke w-what happened?" A soft voice said quietly.

Sasuke cocked his head to Naruto, the first thing he saw was the shiny cursive worlds on his shoulder, oh how beautiful it looked, Naruto was probably going to hate him afterward.

"I bite you"

"Yeah i know you did" Naruto reached to massage his shoulder when he felt tattoo like feeling in his skin, his eyes widen in shock, the hell? He quickly got up and went to the bathroom to look.

"Sasuke's" was written in his skin, now the letters where blue, the walked back to Sasuke quickly.

"W-what is this?"

"What do you mean what is this? Didn't your dad ever tell you about my family?"

Naruto shook his head, my dad? Sasuke looked at Naruto nervously.

"You see, it's a family thing that my family has, it's a mark declaring your my wife, anyone who I don't allow to touch you will get harshly electrified"

"W-wife!?" Naruto blushed red

"Well future wife" Sasuke smirked evilly.

"W-why was it b-blue a few minutes ago? Now it's bright y-yellow"

"When your far from me the mark turns blue, but when I'm near it turns yellow"

"To make it easier, you basically stuck with me forever"

Silence filled the room, was Naruto mad? Maybe he was.

"It's fine,As long as it's you"
He said softly, rubbing the mark.

This only made Sasuke blush, quickly turning the face the other way before Naruto noticed

"C-can i bite you too?"

"Well now that I've marked you I'm sure you can, but only females in the family have them so no"

"What do you take me as!? A female!?" Naruto said angrily.

"Yes and no"

"Hmph!" Naruto said turning around, facing the other direction.

"Awe,princess" Sasuke walked to Naruto, snaking his hands around his waist and he kissed his cheek.

"Don't you princess me! I am a dude!"

"Mmm" was all Sasuke said, this didn't seem to satisfy Naruto.

"I'll show you then!" Naruto started taking off his hoodie along with his shirt, he was going to take off his pants when Sasuke's hand suddenly stopped him.

"Don't take that off, princess it's dangerous for you and me"

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